Home Tallahassee Florida St. Petersburg leaders vote against giving $50K to abortion fund for travel...

St. Petersburg leaders vote against giving $50K to abortion fund for travel expenses


In a 2-6 vote, the St. Petersburg City Council voted against providing $50,000 in additional funding for the Tampa Bay Abortion Fun for travel-related expenses.



  1. Idk when the woman's right to do what ever her decisions is over her body is going to take place ,a woman who doesn't have mother instincts should not be force to have a child
    afcouse is a limit for everything 4 months of pregnancy should be considered as a fetus a life
    still is a woman's right
    When a person is on a 3 months on a coma ,it could come out of it or maybe would never but drs want disconnect , murder , end it how ever people want call it is over and is always approved by State , insurance s people no matter how much the family try to give more time to they love ones ,none care !

  2. During the 1858 Abraham Lincoln- Stephen Douglas debates, Douglas said he did not support outlawing slavery, saying, “I am now speaking of rights under the Constitution, and not of moral or religious rights. I do not discuss the morals of the people favoring slavery, but let them settle that matter for themselves. I hold that the people who favor slavery are civilized, that they bear consciences, and that they are accountable to God and their posterity and not to us. It is for them to decide therefore the moral and religious right of the slavery question for themselves within their own limits.”

  3. If these people wanted abortion they should pay for it some of them are like rabbits I guess they never heard of birth control and there's only two sets of people that should be allowed to get an abortion incest and rape one lady on YouTube was bragging she had 8 abortions and that is totally disgusting so maybe you should stop having sex because if you're not responsible enough to use birth control then you deserve what you get

  4. PRAISE GOD!!! GOD BLESS the people who are taking a stand against abortions. Give these precious babies a chance! There is NO reason for these babies to be killed. And, IF–and, that's a HUGE "IF," there were justified reasons for abortion there are still NO REASON to do it in such an inhumane way! Animals are treated better than those babies!

  5. damn right. The whole point of roe v. wade being overturned was making it up to each state to have their own regulations on the matter. If low to no restrictions on abortion matter that much to you, move to a state that agrees with you. Don't take the money of taxpayers who specifically don't want their state to support that ish to fly you out there.

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