Home Carpet Cleaning Start A Lucrative Carpet Cleaning Business | The AFFORDABLE Way

Start A Lucrative Carpet Cleaning Business | The AFFORDABLE Way


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  1. I'm not sure if you've thought about this, but you can easily just pour some 20 volume peroxide on to the spray bottle and it will vanish almost 99% of organic stains or you can also just use ammonia for synthetic stains and of course also use deodorizer to eliminate the ammonia smell. You'll save alot more money 🙂 Just my 2 cents..

  2. "There's the Green Dragon ready to go to work". Super important line. People not used to VLM may not be aware just how important the chemistry is with this method. We are chemically separating the soils and oils from the carpet fibers then suspending and absorbing them off. They key is chemistry that subsequently does not need rinsing. This is the sustainable way to clean carpet today. Plant based chemistry, minimal use of water, heat generated through friction, minimal use of fuel (can run a smaller vehicle and don't need gas to run the equipment). We need to consider this if we take our current environmental challenges seriously…certainly more customers are…just my 2 cents 😁

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