Home Tallahassee Florida Student starts petition to put fencing in USF parking garages after someone...

Student starts petition to put fencing in USF parking garages after someone fell to their death


Student starts petition to put fencing in USF parking garages after someone fell to their death



  1. If USF puts up a fence, it will not be to save lives, but to save itself from unwanted publicity, as a reasonable barrier already exists; otherwise, you would see cars falling. So, careless accident, substance induced, or impaired judgment, personal responsibility comes into play. Still, considering 2 deaths, a fence creating a 6' barrier seems reasonable, as USF does not want to become the next Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Just saying…

  2. NOooo !! Could it possibly have been a PEER of hers ??! What an intense choice of words. And what are the little darlings going to specifically petition for ? Complimentary bungee cords at multi level parking garages ??!

  3. The put fencing up on the skyway. 3million $ wasted. If someone wants to take their life they will. Mental health needs more therapist and psychiatrist and money to help those of us to get mental health help. Screw fencing. Ppl always jump off buildings and bridges and parking garage bc they give up. Bc there is seriously not enough help with dr and therapist. Stop wasting money on fencing 🤦🏼‍♀️ this is someone who deals with suicidal thoughts all the time. Struggling to get help bc there is no where in Tampa accepting new patients or won’t accept their insurance so they “me” can’t afford to get help being disabled and living below poverty level. You can’t help mental health patients if you don’t talk to ppl struggling with mental health then how can you help them??? Even the mental hospitals don’t help with follow up care AT ALL. So why take them there if they won’t help them except a few days making sure they take their meds. Then they leave and can’t afford the meds and get zero help for therapy or psychiatrist dr. 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s sad. It’s also sad the police have to handle mental health patients and not those that went to school to help them. Another reason many mental health patients get killed when cops are called and they aren’t aware. Mental health counselors need to be on the streets with the police. Like some very few police stations are doing this. Just speaking from my own experience and experience from others I know with more serious mental health problems 😢

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