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It’s the Little Things #146

October 15, 2021 I've some enjoyable hyperlinks this week to share with you. I'm together with our household’s favourite applesauce recipe courtesy of A Mindfull...

First to Know 0223

First to Know 0223 source

So You Want To Start A Carpet Cleaning Business

Go for it! Start slow, doing family and friends. Build up your knowledge and watch lots of videos. You can do it! source

Ep. 80 – Community Investment Helps Bring a Vibrant Downtown Vision to Life, Shawn...

The mission we have now all been ready for is nearing completion. Shawn McIntyre and his staff from...

911 dispatchers hoping to get designated as first responders through HB 291

Arthur Kirby has been working on House Bill 291 since last year to change the designation of dispatchers to first responders. source