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Did I just Turn Those Carpets Into Little Heaven Scent Clouds

Oreck Orbiter Product used: 4oz. Green Dragon in a 2 gallon sprayer filled with warm water Sold at the encapstore.com Scott lithium powered garden sprayer....

Ology Midtown hosts latte art competition

Ology Midtown hosts latte art competition source

Knight Foundation awards more than $206,000 in grants –

The Community Foundation of North Florida announced six local nonprofits will receive a total of $206,135 from the Knight Foundation’s Donor Advised Fund. ...

The Fed just raised interest rates; how does this impact the local community?

The Fed just raised interest rates; how does this impact the local community? source

LeapFrog® Launches New Infant and Preschool Learning Toys

"We're so excited in regards to the relaunch of our iconic Scout and Violet plush buddies and their new revolutionary touch-sensitive know-how – we...