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Train cleared from Eisenhower, Plant Street roadway

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — A train was cleared Tuesday morning after blocking the roadway near the intersection of Eisenhower and Plant Street in...

Use Toast Tongs – Clean Mama

February 16, 2021 This little hack is easy and possibly you’re already doing it, however if you happen to aren’t it’ll take your toast making...

OpenTable Debuts Annual Top 100 Restaurants List

'Tis the season for holiday celebrations – last year, three of the top five biggest dining days for groups happened in December –...

Jacobee Flowers to be sentenced for pregnant teenage girlfriends death

Jacobee Flowers confessed to killing his pregnant teenaged girlfriend. In exchange for a lesser sentence he agreed to show police where he buried her. source

Leon County Hospitalizations Enhance, TMH Reports Two Covid-19 Patients in ICU – Tallahassee Reports

20 Based mostly on reviews from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Capital Regional Medical Heart (CRMC), there are a complete of 24 COVID-19 sufferers...