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3 Affordable Ways to Be More Sustainable – Better HouseKeeper

Make your own home environmentally pleasant with these easy adjustments! With the consequences of local weather change taking the entrance web page of each newspaper,...

Roe v. Wade leak prompts push to ban abortion clinics

In the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court leak earlier this year that hinted at a potential overturn of the 1973 case Roe...

Crawfordville Christian-based community group gives back

Crawfordville Christian-based community group gives back source

Restaurant owner has a sweet mission

Owner of Oh’ Lemonade goals to assist others Dwyane Ash, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps., a  businessman, and humanitarian, has weathered...

Local, minority-owned developers break ground on new affordable homes in Tampa

Local, minority-owned developers break ground on new affordable homes in Tampa source