Home Tallahassee Florida Tampa Bay drag queens plan to protest proposed legislation at state capitol

Tampa Bay drag queens plan to protest proposed legislation at state capitol


Tampa Bay area drag performers are planning a trip to Tallahassee to protest a bill that defines their livelihood as a serious danger to the safety of children.



  1. If you are performing in as bar only atmosphere, as the one drag queen stated, then what are you complaining about. Of course they're not going to be interviewed by a news channel and say otherwise. I have been to my fair share of drags shows all over FL and some in Ga. I can say from my experience they are nothing for children to see, was always in a 18 plus club and never was there an expressed desire to perform at school, libraries and community events. This is something that is being pushed by pfiles and groomers. It is also not a right. Where do these people get there information from,who told you it was a right to perform drag in front on small kids? When you are fighting for rights that don't exist or more rights that others, it's time to be stopped. It's time for a reality check. If you claim to be an adult act like it, otherwise sit down and shut up, this is an adult conversation.

    P.S. Every drag show I've seen at least one performer usually most were provocative and suggestive with there dancing. I don't have a problem with that, but the whole thing it's just "art" line the one queen claimed is BS.

  2. Drag dudes are just mocking women. It's like blackface but with genders. Why do they want to involve their kink with children? Also you'll notice that one of the drag dudes in this clip is wearing the pedo flag as a costume.

  3. It’s not right. Stay in your lane in nightclubs. Have fun, drag queens you are entitled to enjoy and be yourselves but respect that not everyone wants this around their children.


  5. I wish the bill would ban half dressed cheerleaders, at a ball game, seductively entertaining, small children as well. Have you watched some of the dance moves at some of these games? Have you seen the outfits? Why have we been subject and children to this?

  6. Keep it in the "night clubs" where children are not supposed to be. Not in our public settings.

    They want to be accepted and respected, but don't respect others views, and don't accept that the majority of people are not okay with sexual exploitation of children….. period!!!

  7. A lot of people do not seem to understand that drag shows are a form of adult entertainment just like a late night comedy club or a strip club, how many kids do you see at a strip club?

  8. I have actually seen "drag shows", and they are not for kids. This is generally bad parenting, how do you enhance a child's growth by taking them to this – if you want to expose your kid to a live performance, take them to some play or musical. I have to wonder the real reason they insist on actually going to a public library to perform. Kids don't find this interesting.

  9. What's getting lost here is that children are not just showing up at drag shows. Their PARENTS are making the deliberate choice to take them there. If you're not going after the parents, then you're proving that you don't actually believe anything that's going on is criminal, you're just trying to grab power off of the current transgender hysteria.

  10. If youre advocating to express sex and sexuality to kids. You should probably re evaluate your values. Your rights arent restricted when it comes to protecting kids.

  11. Nobody cares what a few cross dressers do. We ARE NOT INTERESTED! Children should NOT BE SUBJECTED TO THIS DISGUSTING DISPLAY!
    Go hide and cry in your closet. We also don’t wanna see prostitutes with their body parts hanging out walking around or anything like that in public or on display not women, not men, not anyone, nothing like that just keep your clothes on and act decent in public.

  12. Yet ANY child can get online and PORN comes to them.
    It could be a relative's home, your perverted grandfather, your own husband's "little secret", or their friend's house.
    Fix the porn problem, before you start on something that isn't illegal, it won't come into your home, and, kids don't have access to it…porn is ALL of that.

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