Home Tallahassee Florida Tampa Bay residents react to permitless carry bill

Tampa Bay residents react to permitless carry bill


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  1. 0:37 How were they not already getting into the wrong hands? Is she meaning to say that criminals had a code they followed where they all agreed to not break this one law of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit??
    Gang-members at their bi-weekly tea time meetup: "Hey everybody, on the agenda today… I want to remind everyone to not carry and use a gun without a permit because it's illegal."

  2. 2 quick points because 8 usually does an acceptable job reporting.
    1 wanting to restrict legal gun owners is just dumb and everyone knows it so just stop.
    2 it may go over better if the only gun guy against the law maybe wasn’t the only one who will loose business as a result of the law??
    Do better as that was lazy

  3. What's next Florida? Permitless driving? …The second amendment allows for self protection but permitless carry takes away responsible gun ownership. People walking around guns need to be properly trained. Irresonsible gun ownership creates a huge liability on public safety. If you dont' know how and when to shoot you might accidentally shoot a innocent bystander when you try to shoot the bad guy. They don't give guns to cops patrolling the neighborhood without proper training do they?

  4. Girl says “that means that these weapons are gonna get into the wrong hands”. Hey dumb dumb, this has nothing to with being able legally own a gun only that they can carry it for personal protection. Still have to go through the process to legally buy a gun. So my questions is, how is allowing someone to legally carry a gun that they legally bought going to put more weapons into the wrong hands?

  5. As a descendant of Jesse James I oppose this law because it will interfere with my criminal activities.I might end up shot and killed.What about my rights?

  6. Need to report the facts. When I went through the safety class and when I went through the conceal carry class I still walked out green . I am 74 years old woman. I go to the range at least twice a month and have private lessons. It’s like drivers training. You walk out not knowing all you need to know. It’s up to us to learn and I don’t need any one to hold my hand while I train

  7. Well, 911 arrives 15 minutes late or never arrives, and we have only 5 seconds to defend our lives from the criminals' attacks. All the bandidts have guns without any law or permission, whay the honest people going to be unarmed and under the criminals' treats?

  8. This girl is stupid. The officer was right if a “bad “ person will find a way to get a gun if they want to simple as that. I can’t wait for this to become law florida will be more secure for sure because if this

  9. Student group is obviously anti-gun. She naïvely states that this will lead to more guns in the wrong hands.. newsflash, anti-gun student these people already have these guns. And yes, it may lead to increased death. Hopefully it leads to increase justified death.. buy gun hours, lawfully defending themselves. Then you have Mr. firearms instructor. Of course he is against us. He makes money by teaching firearm safety. The absence of a certificate does not actually mean anything.. if you anti-gunners knew how minimal the training requirement is now for concealed, you would be amazed.

    I love Florida

  10. Yes criminals will always carry without a permit, BUT THAT'S WHAT MAKES THEM CRIMINALS. Not saying that people with permit dont commit crimes. THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT LAW ABIDING! So your saying even someone that is mentally unstable, on heavy drugs, and in gangs are free to carry without any recourse

  11. Wait a minute. I am for permits, and must have gun training before getting your license! This Bill will cause huge problems in Florida. Tourist or any one coming into Florida can carry a gun without a license or back ground check! What is wrong with this government and people! ANYONE AND TOURIST CAN CARRY A GUN WITHOUT A PERMIT OR TRAINING. This is a very BAD BILL! With all the crime going up, now this bill is telling more criminals to come to Florida openly with their guns! I AM FOR PERMITS, TRAINING AND LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, RESIDENCE TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!! THIS IS A BAD BILL! THIS IS NOT A WIN FOR LAW ABIDING FLORIDEANS ITS A DEATH SENTENCE>

  12. To be young and naïve is to be foolish! They just don’t get it, criminals are not going to obey any laws, permits, requirements, whatsoever! Criminals will have the upper hand and only permit less carry will allow law abiding citizens to defend themselves, and those liberals that will not carry guns! Wake up Florida

  13. OMG!! Unless its a private sale you still need to get a background check at a firearms store … So getting into the so called wrong hands is BS does locks stop criminals ABSOLUTELY NOT it wont make crime rise anymore than it is…. SMH.. Private sales you should know if the person that you make a sale to is a Felon or not … Pass The Bill … Stop putting Fear into people …

  14. Stupid liberal cry babies always winning, We don't need weak ass Gen Z trying to tell adults what to do! It's not like any of the decisions that generation makes is a good one!

  15. Did this lady even read the bill you still have to do a background check to buy a gun a permit isn’t going stop a criminal from getting a gun it’s only going to stop a good person who has to spend money and get permission from the government to get a permit. This new law willl let more ppl be able to protect themselves and be able to stop mass shooting too

  16. Why would anyone do this? 😮 White Supremacy, White Privilege, and White Fragility is out of control. Why won't this evil die? Slavery, Apartheid, The Holocaust, Native American Extermination, The Chinese American Exclusion Act, The Japanese American Internment Camps, ect. This is crazy. White people already go out hunting other human beings as it is 😮

  17. Guns are going to end up in the wrong hands no matter if this bill is passed or not . AND YES YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH A BACKGROUND CHECK to purchase a gun the correct way I bought many and had to do a background each and every time and a 3 day wait period due to the fact I do not posses a concealed carry permit that would allow to walk that day with the gun purchase even when the permitless CC passes if you do not have a CCP you still wait the 3 day after the back ground check has been ran.

  18. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Glad to hear that more places are waking up! Until people wake up, and realize that CRIMINALS aren't going to listen to ANY law, or rule, and that the police cant be everywhere at the same time. So you have to be able to protect yourself and family when the BAD GUY shows up! If they would put as much time, money and effort into stopping the criminals, as they do trying to make all law abiding citizens helpless, we would actually be able to stop some of crimes and killings! EXACTLY why we need well trained and armed guards at every school!!!! Its good enough for the White House or Capitol, but not good enough for American children!!! VERY SAD!!!!🤦‍♂️

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