Home Tallahassee Florida Tampa influencer reflects on potential TikTok ban

Tampa influencer reflects on potential TikTok ban


In the privacy of her home, under the glow of bright vanity lights, and with only her reflection staring back, Kat Stickler presses record on her phone and shares her life with the world.



  1. I keep seeing and hearing this term "influencer." But the people it's applied to influence nothing. It's a made up thing lol. Just be honest and call yourself "Social Media Narcissist" lol.

  2. Chinese abuses it's own people and is an enemy of America. The old leader of China decades ago, said that they would take over America one day, but would do it within America. The Communist Chinese Party is insidious! They are gathering info on Americans and buying farm land near military bases. Now they are luring our youth into their trap!

  3. So we're willing to sell out Ourselves, our Country, our Freedom for a country that hates and wishes to destroy us all for an APP? 🤔 There are plenty of Apps out there to make a living on & if your followers really love you, they will follow. Millions of YouTubers make their living online & it's an American Company. Why would you trust a country that hates us? Get another job, while you build your name on YouTube or something similar. Be proud of the fact that you live in a free country and don't sell your Freedom for a buck.

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