Home Tallahassee Florida ‘The fear is very real’: Undocumented immigrants describe life in Florida’s shadows

‘The fear is very real’: Undocumented immigrants describe life in Florida’s shadows


Crossing the Mexico-United States southern border is not easy today, and it wasn’t easy 22 years ago, when Hector Anguiano, his wife Ana Gonzalez, and three small children made the treacherous trek.



  1. If they have been here 20 years and have not made themselves US citizens by now. That is their responsibility. If they want to be legal citizens then do that but if they stay illegal they should leave and go back to Mexico

  2. If you are undocumented and living in America then you are breaking the law plain and simple, Millions of people have enter the U.S. the right way so why can't these illegals do the same. this is a good law and I agree with DeSatis

  3. I don't give a fuck if they immigrated illegally, they are here now and have been for most of their lives, living as US Americans. Mexico is our sibling in the Americas, there is no reason the border should be as hostile as it is now. Families should not be separated by bureaucracy. Viva Mexico, USA Forever.

  4. Oh I am so sad……not. Paying taxes? Learning English? Apply for citizenship? WTF. And this F'ing Attorney and Media company want me to feel sorry for them? Boys are girls and girls are boys, punish the people that do things the right way, forgive loans, charge people with good credit more to pay for those that don't? Criminals get rewarded? We have laws. Enforce them.

  5. The immigrants around them are working towards being legal, while they just cost through under the radar and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Nope. Make an effort to become legal and maybe I'll pull for you.

  6. Their being criminalized because they ARE criminals. Obama gave them until 2016 to become citizens as “dreamers,” and they just failed to do it clearly! 20 years and no effort to integrate into American society. Can’t even be bothered to learn the language. Get out.

  7. Wow!!!!!! 20 years here and don't know English yet? Shame on you. You never cared about America then, you never wanted to be American. You sure do like our money though, don't ya!

  8. Honestly, I don't get it. I might want to retire in a foreign country but doing it illegally, skulking around the country, hiding from authorities, avoiding legalization requirements, what do you think is going to happen? And why is this DeSantis' fault? She can go back to see her parents and stay there. It's NOT that she "can't even go back to see her parents." The fact that the consequences are coming 20 years down the line, it's sad, but not inhumane.

  9. They are communist from Venezuela that elected Hugo Chavez, all of them want free everything Just like they had in Venezuela, don’t fall for their pretty face, the ones that migrated to South America have destroyed cities with crime and killings everyday , look at the news you fools. 😢😢😢 YouTube has news from every country and see what I’m talking about!!!

  10. I'm fearful myself but I'm fearful of the illegals that have been killing Floridians since crossing our open border. One recently murdered and chopped up a Door Dash Driver just doing his job, so I'm not feeling real sorry for illegals right now. Too bad they can't just follow the law and come legally. I pity Americans, not the illegals!

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