Home Tallahassee Florida Tiny houses to fight homelessness


  1. The reason housing is so expensive is because of all the taxes that have to be paid. County and city taxes that pay for schools, water, sewage, garbage disposal, fire and police cost more than people can afford to pay. The only jobs left with pensions are government and medical. I say cut the pensions and lower the taxes. The cities don't want properties that don't pay high taxes.

  2. A good transitional solution for a working family to recoup, save up and try again. But a lot of the homeless have no job and don't want a job, have addictions or mental illness. This may help the "working" poor but I don't see how it will work for the bigger problem.

  3. Great idea, but that cost is nuts. $100K-plus? They'll need to at least halve that to make this viable, or does that include the plot of land and utilities? Is it on-grid or off?

  4. More often than not, people are homeless because of untreated mental health illness and drug/alcohol abuse. You can't just throw an untreated schizophrenic on meth into a "tiny" home and think that all of a sudden he's gonna get a job, start paying bills, and be a productive member of society. Fighting homelessness start with the root problem and a tiny home isnt solving anything.

  5. I like that hopefully it isn’t right next to another I would be glad to have that I owed all my life and worked hard all of it then lost everything when my wife got ovarian cancer and the pandemic hit now we live in a car garage we’re.happy still we have each outher and our pets

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