Home Carpet Cleaning Truck Mount High Rise Carpet Cleaning / It’s a Science!

Truck Mount High Rise Carpet Cleaning / It’s a Science!


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  1. Many years ago I worked briefly for a HWE company in Victoria. They insisted that all their jobs had to be with the truck mount and they did a lot of apartments on month end. One job we did I had to pull the hose up 12 stories even though there was a portable in the van in case it was needed. We were able to clean most of the unit but couldn't quite reach the furthest 100sq ft. We ended up breaking out the portable anyway to do the last bit and it likely would have been just as fast to start with it anyway rather than pull the hoses. Let me tell you that 12 stories of hose weighs a lot but I did pull it all by myself, I was a beast!!

  2. Been there, done that. I have a few customers with NO outdoor water hookups. Used to be able to drive around and park on the grass close, but that changed too. Now I do a lot more VLM than I do HWE.

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