Home Tallahassee Florida Twitter Space crashes during Gov. DeSantis’ presidential run announcement

Twitter Space crashes during Gov. DeSantis’ presidential run announcement


8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the breaking developments.



  1. Breaking new is correct, as in " breaking the rules" or should I say changing the rules. Question: What do you call it when a person changes the rules in the middle of the game in order to benefit themselves? Most people would call it CHEATING. Already cheating to try to win the presidency. How do we expect him to take a defeat if already cheating? He says success is attainable?? By cheating? The governor and the Florida republican legislature actually changed the law in last month to allow him to run for president without resigning as governor.
    So when charlie Christ asked him in that debate howe he was going to do it we know now this is his answer. Change the decades long Florida law that says you must resign as governor in order to run for president. Christians need to ask themselves if they support honesty or deception.

  2. Elon: call the technical team now!

    Elon’s phone 📞 starts ringing : Hi, yea I’m in an interview right now, but I’ll cut it short, jump in my Tesla after it’s fully charged and get over there ASAP. 30min later!?!??

  3. An omen is an event or happening that you take as sign of something to come. It's believed to be a bad omen if a black cat crosses your path or if it rains on your wedding day. Omens generally get a bad rap — that's probably because a lot of them predict bad stuff, at least according to superstition.

  4. It makes perfect sense, a dumb governor that is not capable of properly announcing his presidential run is the one that will save the country!

    We should just close our eyes and vote for him because that is what America is all about.

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