Home Tallahassee Florida Up to seven schools in Hillsborough could face closures with ne boundary...


  1. I say this day in and day out do not send your children to these buildings where they can be shot to death and bullied by bullies and have to deal with nasty teachers and have to deal with gang members with guns in school Who in there right mind would send their children and put them through all of this I would never in 1 million years put my children in some building where are you don’t see them for eight hours of the day and have no idea of what’s happened do you want to keep your kids safe keep them home teach them yourself trust me you could do a lot better than the schools could😮

  2. Here's the key word guys could remember words matter when you hear the news so when they say could possibly maybe soon pay attention they are just words and the proof is in the pudding

  3. Seven high schools replaced with preschools and adult schools sounds okay it's still school and the high schools are under enrolled any ways . This would create more money for the cities but there still needs to be an available high school or two in the city.

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