Home Tallahassee Florida USF students demand more action to end gun violence after Nashville school...

USF students demand more action to end gun violence after Nashville school shooting


Students across the country and in Florida took part in a walkout Wednesday demanding more action to prevent gun violence.



  1. it’s not the gun that commits the crimes, so stop calling it Gun violence ! Guns don’t kill criminals do ,the left has decriminalised crimes allowing criminals to commit crimes gun crimes allowing them to commit crimes w/o any recourse!! Trop criminals and you stop all forms of violence!

  2. I feel safer where guns are permitted. Mine has never given me 1 second of trouble in nearly 50 years.
    In a HS I attended, we had a rifle team that competed against other schools. Key word here is competed. Took 22s to school. Not once did anyone ever even think of shooting others.
    That was when prayer was still allowed in school.

  3. These educated idiots with no critical thinking skills are the reason our society is collapsing it’s vile. When are they gonna worry about the economy or the US dollar actively collapsing?

  4. It looks all set up to me that shooting…your government looks like they are manipulating you to get rid of guns .. before unrest civil war.. then how are you gonna defend ya self when that happens? Go figure People..

  5. Florida is lucky enough to have one of the only governors to budget for Armed Security/Police in every school public or private.
    Polk Co. Sheriff that was on Stillmam Douglas shooting commission stated that some schools are refusing to use the money already allotted to harden schools.prior to that shooting Broward Schools had $900,000.00 that was still not spent and immediately asked for more, … protect the children, of course.
    LEFTIST MYTH: There are no background checks. Go to ANY Gun Shop in the US and you can't buy a gun without one.
    Red Flag Laws are unconstitutional and eliminate due process.
    They will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

  6. Citizens, carrying guns is the same reason why our military carries guns, as a Marine, my job was to protect people that could not protect themselves. The answer is more guns. If I was guarding the school, it would not have happened. And if the turd 💩 knew someone was there protecting the school they would have went somewhere else, hence, guns don’t kill people, people kill people.


  8. Allowing the citizens to bear arms IS keeping thier best interests at heart. It is the lefts promotion of social degeneracy and lack of responsibility that is contributing to this violence the most. Not access to weapons. We are never giving up our weapons nor any aspect of our weapons that allow us to defend not only our individual homes but also our neighborhoods and cities.

  9. what a joke how about they start by telling them to ask the government to change the gun ownership Laws to that you must be over the age of 21 to purchase & or have a gun of any type in your possession – then see how many of these college kids start screaming for the government NOT To Change The Law

  10. These people are supposed to be smart. 🙄 It's not the gun, or any weapon for that matter, that has hate, animosity, or any feelings towards a human being. So, how can you justify passing laws that are unconstitutional for law-abiding citizens?
    When will they learn this?? ADDRESS THE FKIN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!!!!! ADDRESS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. IT'S THE FKIN ANIMAL BEHIND THE WEAPON!!!! Stop giving people special treatment because they're different! Stop coddling people because they're different. Stop brainwashing people into thinking the world should be rainbows and unicorns. Because this fkin world is anything but. The real world will knock you down. You have to be mentally prepared to deal with things when they don't go your way. Work, marriage, money, mortgage, your job. All of these real life problems are what's gonna make or break you, and if someone can't handle these things, they WILL SNAP. There is ALWAYS a sign, ALWAYS. Keep this in mind, when the government comes for the law abiding citizen's weapons, be prepared. Be very prepared. Because they know the day is coming, they know it will be a racist, American hating, corrupt dem in the WH who will attempt to shred OUR constitutional rights, and they have been preparing for this moment. Mark my words

  11. Your not gonna take our guns rights away, the gun didn't kill it was a mental illness that killed. Are we going to ban knives next? Nobody is talking about the CEO who founded Square app that got stabbed to death yesterday in San Francisco, why isn't that making news? You will never take our 2nd Amendment away just like unfortunately racism will never go away.

  12. If you’re going to make signs at least have your facts right. Vehicle accidents, alcohol, and knives kill more children and people by far then guns. I bet these Hippocrates won’t give up their cars and alcohol.

  13. It is not the gun that kill people. It is people. And this idiot needs to know that guns PREVENT between 2-2.5 million crimes compared to 13,000 deaths from guns. And half of those 13,000 are suicides. Guns are NOT the largest causes of death foe children. Car crashes are. Learn to read actual statistics. Look at the breakdown of the 0-18/19 "children" category. It is NOT Guns. That is a LIE that activists like to use. 98%+of school shootings happen in gun free zones where the teachers, administrators, SROs are not armed. And the Parkland SRO is rotting in prison because he ran and HIS while that evil maniac was bringing down horror on the people in that school. That is why you have multiple SROs. Fail safe. And all of you idiots calling for "gun control." Look at Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City- the TOUGHEST gun laws in the country. A FIREARM is the ONLY force equalizer. It is LITERALLY the only thing I can protect me and my 80 year old mother with. Do you all expect me to "hang in there" while I am being raped and it takes 4 to 10 minutes for a cop to get there? I tell you what- YOU FIRST!
    I have been raised to be a moral, responsible gun owner since I was a young teen. I practice weekly. And I know the limits of what I can do. I am actually a more responsible citizen than people that do NOT own firearms because I have a HEAVIER burden of law than the rest of you. I am so sick and tired of these snowflakes calling for gun control. STOP. IDIOTS!

  14. These are your liberal, indoctrinated young kids that have no idea how much they are now being used. Our schools have been taken over by liberal, Marxists. Look at these kids. They are overweight, have no skills and didn't really get a real education. All they are now taught is sexual pronouns and if they are white, they are wrong about everything. I hope very soon, these college students will have to start paying back their useless student loan education. It's fun to see these kids go out into world to work and get slapped in the face when they realize that life isn't fair. Also, look who shot up that Christian school. It was a he, she, it with mental illness. You young people better wake up or you will spend the rest of your life being told what to do by your communist, elected leaders. You'll see and you won't like it. By then it will be too late! Meanwhile, you punks have no place to live on your own. You live with your mom.

  15. Obviously, this is about the permit less carry law and not the school shooting. That said, criminals don't follow laws and your fear doesn't override my constitutional rights. There are already background checks in place. No written law is going to fix school shootings. What will, is armed security at the schools. Nobody wants to do the things that will stop the shootings, they just want to talk about making laws that only restrict law abiding citizens. JMHO Semper Fi

  16. Stop making schools such soft targets. There’s a reason why these defective people don’t try and shoot up a gun range or a police station. They go where the least resistance is. These brain dead students would be screaming for the police with plenty of firepower if a nut started shooting up their campus.

  17. Maybe actually tackle the REAL issues? Like mental health, lax enforcement of rules, understanding how weapons ACTUALY work, why the 2a even exists.

    Removing guns ISNT going to solve a thing. Grow the hell up, you children

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