Home Tallahassee Florida VIDEO: New Port Richey mom arrested for teaching 9-year-old to back out...

VIDEO: New Port Richey mom arrested for teaching 9-year-old to back out of parking spot, crashing, p


A New Port Richey mother has been arrested after her 9-year-old child crashed her car while she was attempting to teach them how to drive.



  1. I think a greater travesty s that there are no elderly male presenters and young males and women have replaced them. All commericals are now women driving the cars! Maybe thats why Car insurance premiums and bad parking is on the rise.

  2. She could’ve crawled through the passenger side! And I’m not trying to be mean towards the child but she looked just as big as the mother! Shitty excuse mom!!! Ur lucky you didn’t get squished by the car!!

  3. This parent definitely needs to be arrested. Everybody knows you're supposed to start out with your kid in your lap first that way you can avoid little goof ups like this.

    And you know, not in a small parking lot packed full of cars.

    Where people are walking by.

  4. I was around 6 when my grandma would let us kids sit between her legs and drive grandpa's 1964 Chevy Impala around the property. My parents bought us a go-kart and mini-bike around the same time too. The worst thing we could of hit was a tree…and I did with my dad's 1972 suburban…and got a nice smack for it too…the good ol' days when child abuse wasnt even a phrase.

  5. So they worry about a parent teaching their nine year old kid how to try but when it comes to their Newport Ritchie police officers, who sexually assaulted a 16-year-old they don’t charge the office or after firing them which there’s enough evidence, proving that officer sexually assaulted a child it’s kind of hypocritical ain’t it

  6. Crap. Never wrecked but I was driving my drunk mom to bars and liquor stores for her second or third rounds at 9yrs old sitting on a phone book back in the day and dropping down to hit the gas and brake 🤣 my aunt was piHissed when she saw me pull up to her house and my mom fall out of the passenger side of her truck lol.

  7. I was taught how to drive by one of my parents at a young age as a matter of fact I was 11 years old they used to let me drive all the time not on a busy highway not only busy roll but they let me drive and that's how I learn how to drive and when it came for me to get my driver's license I aced the test.

  8. God you’re just amazed how some people are able to be complete fucking idiots but managed to produce a child it’s crazy. I mean that mother is the stupidest person on the planet

  9. Not the brightest bulb but hardly worthy of an arrest. I ask ppl to pull me out if I can't do it. I mean really what is jail time going to do in this case. Nothing. I mean it's ridiculous to charge child neglect. Give her fine and parenting classes and keep it moving.

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