Home Carpet Cleaning VLM Oreck Orbiter 2 bedroom Apartment


  1. I'm an old school carpet guy trying to get back into it with my grandsons 18,19and 20 years old I have gained a lot of knowledge watching your videos have a question why are the irion man bonnets so expensive. I have duplicated your methods for cleaning carpets makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the info. Justsayin

  2. Thanks for the "shout-out" it really touches my heart! I wish you'd share what the prespray is for all of us (LOL). Some of your subscribers may have their settings where it doesn't show who they subscribe to, and so maybe some of them DO but you can't see it.
    I'm glad you mentioned how little YT monetization pays for some channels because I've been telling people it's no big deal for a few years, but they are all so excited about hitting 1,000 subs and being able to retire an live off the income that they won't listen so I hope they heard what you said…And Amazon doesn't pay like it used to either (due to a recent cut in revenue as their way of saying "Happy Corona!" to their affiliates by cutting payouts by between 50% and 80%, so an Oreck Orbiter, for example, pays 3% (down from 6% and before that used to pay 8%) so that isn't anything to get excited over anymore either.
    So when you show people how to start their own carpet cleaning business with an Oreck as a main income, or a side hustle it's good for them to focus on the cleaning itself, and making videos and other associated things to show their work as not being their primary focus because those other things don't pay all that well anymore and aren't worth suffering to obtain (monetization and selling on Amazon etc). I hope they can just focus on cleaning and making a decent living at that and be satisfied.
    Keep inspiring people to make their dreams come true!

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