Home Tallahassee Florida ‘We Built Walmart, we built 7-Eleven, we built Publix:’ Tampa’s Hispanic community...

‘We Built Walmart, we built 7-Eleven, we built Publix:’ Tampa’s Hispanic community protests Florida’


The controversial law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis last month, will take effect one month from Thursday. Members of Tampa’s Hispanic community are fired up and are speaking out saying this will hurt families and Florida’s economy.



  1. I paid my taxes many years it’s an hard earning .. they earn with cash under table paying no taxes and sending our American dollar to overseas set up that business and buy land there once they retire they moved out of US

  2. Oh Wagh we won’t have won’t have people to pay less to work without Mexican immigrants? That’s a joke they could always pay homeless people to do it instead and make a dent on the homeless no job issue. There will be someone to take your job without you get into reality.

  3. We’ll be fine without you, Go to Mexico to live be it your illegal or not. A mass migration of people to Mexico would be a blessing for the US right now housing prices would drop, Pay would rise, And people from other states would flood in to take your place. Go ahead and f*** off please. There is plenty of people to take your place.

  4. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't piss on DeSantis if he was on fire, but, at least he actually doing what ALL Republicans have been screaming about for years.
    Any American with two brain cells to rub together knows full well that their food is picked and processed by illegal immigrants. Greedy POS Republican farmers and meat processing plant owners use illegals because they can pay them shit and provide zero medical/insurance cover for them.
    They do this while voting for Republican racist fcukers who they know will actually never do anything about illegals, because exactly what is happening in Florida now would happen everywhere.

  5. What is the mother's gonna do when there's a low baby's milk in the stores? What is people gonna do when a tomato costs $5? What are they gonna do when the shells are all empty, or are they gonna get their food from

  6. I hope all of those people out there that want these people to leave, are ready to go out and pick the food in the fields. Unless of course you think it just spontaneously shows up in grocery stores, in which case I don't know what to say.

  7. I agree with DeSantis. If you do not come into this country legally. You do not deserve any tax payer assistance. Immigrants always use kids as a defense to claim they are only here to work…the questions is not what you do nor for whom. The question is, did you come to this country legally?? It is a crime to cross into anyone's back yard without permission. . . those immigrants crossed into a whole country without permission. Why they fail to take that into consideration is beyond me. Come here legally and you don't have to worry about laws that effect immigrants.

  8. Desantis needs to fix Miami. It’s overwhelmed by them. They control the city. If you are not of Latin decent you are cut off. They even require you to be bilingual for most jobs down there. Is this not America? And what’s worst they are way more racist than the whites down here. It’s out of control.

  9. If illegal immigrants can protest, then they can go back their nations and protest for the type of nations they want. Don't come to the US illegally and then demand your rights. That's lazy. Sorry, but it is. You have no rights when you come here illegally. And if you are so beholden to your own nation, why haven't you done ANYTHING to bring about the change that you desire? Who do you think is going to do it for you? The US is the way it is because of its citizens. If you abandon your nation because you won't get out and demand change, then don't come to the US because your attitude doesn't align with what makes America great. All you desire is for America to benefit you. And you have no clue why that means you will never be an American.

  10. I don’t see blks supporting these Hispanic people but when they do their nonsense BLM Protesters the Latino community always there 👎🏼🤦🏽‍♂️

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