Seven people were shot, and one person was killed at a Tampa bar Sunday morning after a fight broke out at closing time, according to Tampa’s police chief.



  1. I live 5mins outside of Tampa…and it's turning into tent city out here. I deliver pizzas and it's extremely sad since I see them soooooo much from driving the area a ton…more and more on the streets everyday over here. 🥺 Literally some living in cars, some on streets in tents, most live in the little woods we have left out here.

  2. I still don't understand it….. The Gun Violence Archive counted 692 so-called "mass shootings" last year – this means that there are almost two incidents in the USA with at least four injured and/or dead people per day. And also in 2022 already more than 200 mass shootings…
    When will Americans finally demonstrate against the NRA?
    When is the government going to crack down on this stupid "constitutional right to own a gun"?
    When will America finally understand that "more guns" just means "more innocent victims"?
    Is this really an inevitable part of the American dream? Is this America really still "the land of the free" – or just the country where the NRA makes the highest profits with the least resistance?

  3. It really is a breakdown of society. It really is unbelievable that some one thinks that it is acceptable to take someone else's life. I can't imagine receiving that phone call letting you know that your loved one who was in Florida for a wedding was murdered. They need to catch the person or people who are responsible and throw them in jail for the rest of their miserable Life/Lives. Who raised this/these animal(s) that it is acceptable to take another human beings life. It is really is sickening that society is truly broken. This person/people have real issues if your answer is to be so mad that you leave and your answer is to come back to where the fight is happening and shot people. What the hell is wrong with you. You have so real anger issues. Your actions have consequences. Lock this murderer up throw away the key. There are some very screw up people in this world. I hope they catch the perpetrator(s) and lock them up. Total POS.

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