1,900% growth in public EV charging sessions amps up glitches in Florida, across US



  1. ah yes nothing like claiming a 1900% growth yet failing to provide all the numbers aka facts – going from 2 vehicles to 38 is a 1900% increase gee whiz typical BS from the media always using misleading "percentages" in order to sound like WoW Amazing

  2. Man I can still pull up to the good ole dinosaur juice stations and be gone in 15 minutes or less eat ya heart out ev people plus what's power ya charging stations I'll bet my bottom dollar it's dinosaur juice. LOL.

  3. HYDROGEN IS COMING and that will be the death knell of EV's. Anyone who buys these death trap battery operated abominations will regret it as many already do. Many will freeze to death as these junks break down on the highways during blizzards and sub arctic temps. EV's will be the biggest bust in History and the fact Liberals want them means they deserve a 'STUPID" label slapped on them because Liberals are just plain stupid and can't see past the nose on their face.

  4. the power companies want more, there idleing back current and volts to serve areas before your car at the charge station. you want that fast charge—– you gonna pay. gas is not leaving but biden is.

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