Five Florida skating rinks have been fined for keeping their teenage employees past their legally allowed hours, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.



  1. Totally outrageous. The owner of Astro skate- Chris is a genuinely great person. He is running these rinks for the kids to give them a great place to hang out and wholesome family activities. He could make a lot more money by running a storage unit but he chooses to run skating rinks because he loves it and we thank him for it.

  2. Got an idea for the CEO… don’t hire somebody you don’t believe is going to be accountable. Don’t put the blame on the kids, you are the one who continues to throw them on the schedule. If they don’t click in or out on time, fire them! He sounds like a duche blaming it all on the minors. He knew exactly what the problem was but still chose not to fix it. Many companies can have minors on their schedule without any of these issues while still following the law.

  3. Hummm… just punching out 3, 6, 9 minutes over shift? I… don't think so, especially since the US Dept of Labor Official said "various" violations of standards and all 5 rinks are owned by the same person. So, the "mistakes" were repetative. Anyone in business, and hiring teenagers, should know and follow all child labor laws from the get-go. So, I suspect that this "mistake" was likely a complaint(s) to the US Department of Labor, which then prompted all sites to be investigated. FAILURES: The WFLA reporter did not ask for the specific violations to be named, the number of times regulations were violated, and over what period. The owner still blamed the kids for his lack of supervision. JUST SAYING…

  4. LOL 😂, I grew up on a dairy farm and l DIDN'T EVEN GET PAID. Working 7 days a week… before school and after school. Gee, let the young teenagers work if they want too. So many of them can't put down their cellphones long enough to work.

  5. Who cares if the kids don't have school at least they want to work obviously he can't get adults to work. When I was in middle school and high school before I was 16 I babysat full-time during the week while people worked

  6. Sad that they are pushing the only last old school skating rink when he is there for the schools and the community in hosting events for the children, the lower income's last enjoyment that is for children and families, and the county wants to paint it in a bad light. They have struggled to stay open, sad the county targets what kids have left to go to. Why don't you instead want to help small businesses for kids to have a place to go to? They have been here for decades, cut a break. Do the right thing! Smh.

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