Hillsborough County deputies said they are investigating a homicide after a burned body was found in a field in Ruskin.



  1. I'm telling you that people are so evil they have no regard for human life and the lives they have affected. Nit afraid of what God thinks. You are a lost soul and you will be caught. No one is safe from minsters(demon possessed)

  2. The man interviewed should be a suspect. His eyes looked dark & shifty, and he was smiling when he said, "or smell anything." Who does that? Sick and heartless individual regardless.

  3. They don't even know who the person is but no threat ok sure. LE's go to always and if this person wasn't reported missing it's someone in the inner circle. How tragic I hope they weren't alive when burned what a fn sick society we are. Everyday massacres from fn guns and they all don't make the front page or the news rooms. Spouses murdering each other and their children it's insanity.

  4. If those free solar panels are defective and go down, they're not free to replace and there are disposal costs. Not free. Someone's paying taxes and legislators are putting US deeper and deeper in debt.

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