

  1. Hoarding is a mental illness, the neighbors just need to mind there own business. Hopefully that man can get counseling, which is what he needs. At least he's not throwing parties and loud music etc

  2. So we have crime like never before, totally out of control and everybody ignores the fact of who these people are. Instead of capital punishment for drug dealers, mandatory life for drug possession , instead of deporting illegal this old man collecting recycling trash is the problem. If he were black the media would have the heartbreaking story of the poor descendent of slaves forced to collect trash by racist Americans. Or the poor illegals forced to collect garbage.
    And while the world focuses on this horrible man who causes such a big problem one block away there are drive by shootings, murders, people are dealing drugs, fighting each other but they are a certain disadvantaged demographic and the media protects them
    Leave this poor man alone !
    Pinellas is full of horrible government harrassers telling you what to do on your own property.

  3. Hoarding is a mental illness. Would you remove the alcohol from an alcoholic's home and call them cured? Of course not. If you just remove the trash without treating the disease, it won't make a lick of difference. And criminalizing mental illness is even worse.

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