One Bay area attorney is working to improve the lives and futures of foster children by creating FosterPower, which allows kids in the system to access their benefits, protections, and legal rights.



  1. What? An ATTORNEY that has half a heart? A twinge of a heart? That actually does something kind for another human being? That actually does something to HELP someone without the guidelines of is this going to be a big pay out for MY pocket? Most of them don't give a crap about justice. Says 99.99.99% of ALL attorneys. Attorneys have NOTHING to do with justice. It'a all about how much you can afford to PAY them. If you pay them enough $$$ they can make a hard core criminal innocent and an innocent person guilty. Just the American way in our unjust fraudulent judicial system. If you really want justice I'm afraid you'll have to wait for eternity. Lake of fire. Works for me.

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