Brian Laundrie’s mother offered her son a shovel and garbage bags if he needed to dispose of a body, according to the letter obtained by Gabby Petito’s family after a judge’s ruling Wednesday in Florida.

The infamous “burn after reading” letter — which had become a focal point of the civil lawsuit filed by Petito’s family against the Laundries and their attorney Steven Bertolino — was released to WFLA Now’s JB Biunno by the Petito family Wednesday evening. The release comes after Judge Danielle Brewer denied a motion of protection against the letter’s inclusion in the discovery process as the two families head to a civil trial next year.

JB’s Report:



  1. If she is saying this happened before anything happened to gabby then it's like she's saying that in reference to whatever he said maybe hinting that he was going to do something to Gabby. But i doubt it because the letter wouldn't have said Burn After Reading

  2. Hello….. Does she want me to believe in Santa Claus as well. This family is another level. Here is the best clue that are not telling the truth….. There mouths are moving. Sick family, heartless, selfish, have no soul. Even the gators didn't enjoy there meal.

  3. As much as I think his parents are despicable for hiding him out, I don’t believe that this letter had anything to do with Gabby. I think it’s what she said it was. No point in lying about that now.

  4. What I would want to know “if” the letter was written before Gabby and Brian went on the trip does that mean that Roberta Laundries knew Brian’s planned to murder Gabby and she was assuring him that she would help him “bury the body. Or did Brian tell them after the fact and Roberta was telling her son that she would help him cover up the murder. Either way this is BAD!

  5. Hello my comment is Mrs laundry wrote that letter before he went back to utah , cause he left Gabby in utah and went to his parents cause they wanted him to pack her shit cause they didn't want her living there and that's what they were fighting about his parents are the ones that pushed Brian to do what he did to Gabby cause he didn't want Gabby kicked out and he couldn't handle her living in New York while he is in Florida and Gabby I'm sure was hurt over being kicked out his mom is exactly like Chris Watts mom omg big time poor Gabby I think his parents should go to jail there put Gabbies parents through hell how cruel he had her van they are rotten parents and I hope the hell Gabbies parents get what they deserve laundries are pigs there responsible for her death also they could of stopped it they didn't avoiding her parents the way they do d shows major guilt big time omg how the heck can someone do that to her parents knowing there daughter was murdered by there son !? They are pukes and for there actions both kids are dead totally sick to my stomach they have to live with this forever they can enjoy there pain they caused it that's my thoughts I had to say something I held it all this time good work woman have a good day always do good things peace out

  6. Sounds like she was just reassuring her son that she loved him and would never turn on him no matter what he did to Gabby. They definitely knew he killed her. Why else would they lawyer up and ignore the Petitos calls.

  7. Is there ANY possibility that If Brian’s dad found the backpack and that letter was in that backpack could the letter have been placed in the there after Brian’s death. If they knew he committed suicide and knew where that backpack was located.

  8. the burden of proof is a lot more relaxed is civil cases and I do think this will hurt his parents credibility.
    Taking into consideration that he left a few days after returning and packed lightly why would he randomly take a letter his mom gave him from over a month ago when he initially left with gabby. What could have happened where she felt the need to say these things and say burn after reading. If it’s just weird humor and her expressing her love for her son why does he need to get rid of it. Because it was evidence and shows she knew at that point that gabby was missing and probably dead! Also that the police could possibly catch him with it.
    This is not a normal letter that you right to your law abiding son who is gaining fame and starting a family and traveling the country.
    I believe he told them or at least confirmed what happened in some way and they even helped him to “escape”. I think he killed hisself so quickly after leaving that he just forgot and possibly didn’t even read it. Also it’s it weird that they were “going”
    To search the place where he was found and helped the FBI find him. Also how she says if you fly to the moon I will be waiting for you to renter the atmosphere! She could have been alluding to him “leaving” and running away.
    Idk just guessing.

  9. There’s a lot more going on hereabouts more than murder or Mom & Dad’s complicity. There is the suggesting of underlying issues. There are secrets. This feels bizarre and dark. The

  10. The letter is 😱 AF! He didn't "burn after reading" because, as we all know, it rained 🐈🐱 & 🐕🐶 at the reserve and genius didnt have 🔥! If he would have had it before his road trip with Gabby he would have done exactly what Mommy told him to do! … Especially after he had killed Gabby and could have used the shovel and garbage bags; he had to know it would make his mom look quite suspicious, he would have gotten rid of it so it wouldn't have been found with his remains, right? … Then again, he wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed 🤦🏼‍♀️

  11. The bigger question is how the fbi with Cadaver dogs and hounds couldn’t find him in 4 weeks but the laundries found him in an hr
    He lived with impacted wisdom teeth for 7-8 years ( right ) most excruciating pain there is
    He’s not dead. And this family is so entrenched in the mafia you nor I will ever have closure let alone the petito family

  12. This isnt just a concerned mother but a manipulator who raised her son to be one also!! Not getting what you deserve in life? Just get rid of it as you deserve better!! 😮

  13. I just think this is a mother telling her son –who she may never see again –that her love is always with him. It doesn't sound like she's saying she'd help if he killed Gabby.

  14. Gabby lived there but it doesn’t mean the mother felt Gabby was right for her son. If the mother brought this up to Brian, he may have been put out with her. Maybe the trip was to prove his mother wrong. But the mother could have been right. And she wants her son to know she is there for him. But why would he have taken it on the trip. I think it was written after Gabby’s death.

  15. Gabby lived there but it doesn’t mean the mother felt Gabby was right for her son. If the mother brought this up to Brian, he may have been put out with her. Maybe the trip was to prove his mother wrong. But the mother could have been right. And she wants her son to know she is there for him.

  16. First lie,it wasn’t released first to hey JB second thankfully not everyone is gonna believe that letter is what you sick people think it means in your demented imaginations! Third most of you people can’t read the context as it was written, cos that’s how you are taking it from one line in it! This is a weak attempt by the uneducated petitos to claim Brian told them he killed gabby😂 that’s all it is , because they can’t prove the laundries were told anything and they know it! Plus not one of you knows what gabby was like around other people away from her sick greedy parents! Just like your own brats , you don’t know what they do behind your backs or how they treat others for that matter! Your own kids brag about how they snuck out at night to go to parties ! To me that shows me more that gabby was the abuser and his parents were worried about him being isolated with the monster! Basicically telling him if she did anything to him and he had to act they would still stand with him! You stupid people nobody knew when they left for that laughable van life that gabby would be killed! 😂 also you stupid people he took his own life by stealing a gun from the house! He went back to spend his final days with his family! Also he left right in front of your stupid reporters and you didn’t see him get in the car back up and leave😂😂😂😂 it also flooded in the reserve and was flooded where the AUTHORITIES THEMSELVES FOUND HIS REMAINS!THE BACKPACK AND THE NOTEBOOK IN WATER! They also checked rental places, airports and bus stations for tickets ,reservations etc, brian left his phone ,his wallet ( with his drivers license ) behind ,he had no money ,no tickets and no credit cards ! The telltale signs of a person whose gonna take there life! The petitos are using gabby now as a means to get more money! 3 millions not enough for those sick greedy people! It doesn’t change a thing, but it changes there way of living! Nothing else! There is no other family who has done this sick crap the petitos are trying to pull! They never even reported her missing for 10 days after Brian came home and right before brian took his own life! It took them a month alone to find his remains! He took his life within 7 days after going to his parents took the petitos 10 days to report her missing after Brian returned home! The dumb petitos should of reported her missing clear back before brian came home after they hadn’t heard from her again! That’s what a commonsense loving and concerned logical parent would do! Gabbys mom was in contact with gabby and she was to,d were they were heading! So that’s another lie they told! They new more then the laundries! Look at there faces in video, that’s not the faces of a parent in emotional distress or even grieving! She even said something to her husband then grabbed tissues and made her eyes water to make it look like she was upset before the judge was even in the court room! That’s how stupid and blind you people are! Watch it again stupid people even jb and Brian Inmin missed what gabbys mother was doing! You all claimed you spotted Brian when he was dead the whole time and look at gabbys face you blind people before she got out of the van, no scrapes no blood visible, she scratched her face by her own rings while flipping her hair 😂 It’s also a fact that victims do sometimes kill there abusers ,just like Brian did to his abuser! I bet her mother is abusive to ! Wanna bet me? This is after all her second marriage !

  17. LORRAINE, Re your BURGER KING comment. I ate a healthy diet, exercised, watched my weight and lived a clean lifestyle with a very positive attitude. Yet I still developed a very rare and aggressive cancer. If you have a very hectic career, sometimes compromises must be made to sustain yourself to get through day and get the job done. 😊 I’m glad he ate something so he didn’t pass out moderating this informative broadcast for us all to enjoy. ❤

  18. I guess It's just her sick F–ked up way of trying 2 show her
    "UnConditionaL ❤" 2 him. And I believe it was given 2 him after he returned. She is telling him she doesn't care what he did she has his back regardless………… That lady really has some issues. It's no wonder why he was the way he was.

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