Cameron Herrin, the man who killed a mother and daughter while racing on Bayshore Boulevard when he was a teenager, will not receive a lesser sentence, a judge ruled Tuesday.




  1. It's makes me choke that people actually have crush on him ..

    It's completely like jaffrey Dahmer's case where people where crushing on him

    Like wtf …do you even understand what someone is going through and instead of helping the family and healing them people are breaking them more by crushing on the killer that stole everything from a person

    Imagine your child being k+lled by a stupid boy that was racing
    Most of those stupid teen girls can't even imagine such horrible thing

  2. The best thing happened in this whole incident is that for the days of his sentence I believe he sat an example to every tiktok Or teens punks that if you do the same the public and the court will not forgive you because u have many fan following so be in limits punks

  3. He deserves it and more! Cameron and his family and their supporters have showed no remorse to that family that lost a baby, wife, a daughter and a mother of a beautiful child.

  4. He's got a nerve asking for a sentence reduction. He should've gotten the same same the victims got life/for ever/no parole. The baby and her mother got a death sentence. YOU PEOPLE who are calling the 24 year sentence harsh obviously DONT CARE ABOUT THE VICTIMS! F Y!! Have you gone to the graves to pay your respects? STFU! That scum Herrin is exactly where he belongs. I hope everyday in prison is hellish for him.

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