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  1. I steam cleaned one today that was worse than that and it came out great. I steam clean but I use a 4 step process steam cleaning system, it's nothing like you used to do back in the day when you used to steam clean. A carpet like this I would never vlm it or encap it. If I was going to use a pad on that it would be at the very end after I steam clean it to even it out if there was a darker area I wanted to light up some more. When it's this dirty it needs to be flushed out and only steam cleaning can do that but not the Stanley way.

  2. I just cleaned a 2 room move out. Used Procyon plus with an all cotton Mytee pad on my 20 inch Advance high rpm rotary. Pet stains disappeared. Wear patterns brightened but still there. Thanks for the video.

  3. Think of your van, truck etc as a big tool box. The more tools you have the better chance you have of completing a job properly. All tools have their place, all cleaning methods have their place. The truth is soil load, residential fiber vs commercial glue down and other factors obvious to a tech. such as pet urine etc. combined with logistics, should dictate the method and chemistry used to complete a job properly. Not the other way around. If you only have a flat head screw driver in your tool box and the home you are in only has phillips head screws you will be expecting your flat head to do the job of a phillips. Same with carpet cleaning. Soil level is the main dictator of "best" method to use. PH level of carpet BEFORE you clean it will also give you the best idea of what chemistry to use. Example of methods = Any machine that can be used wet ( CRB, Rotary, OP etc) can be thought of as agitation instead of a stand alone method. Likewise think of hot water extraction (not steam, a steam machine puts out steam, not hot water. Dupray machines and the like are steam "machines" Truck mounts and portables are hot water extraction.) as RINSING the carpet fiber, not "cleaning" it. Dry particulates make up the majority of what must be removed from carpet, ALWAYS vacuum slowly and thoroughly preferably "north" or "up" and "south" or "down" and "east and "west" or "side to side" This is known by some as "cross town traffic" This will help maximize dry soil removal. Obviously the best vacuum you can get the better but that's a whole other animal😊After that all that is left to deal with are oils, organic or synthetic matter etc. and "traffic lane" issues. This is where chemistry combined with agitation actually "clean" the carpet fibers. After that if HWE you are "rinsing" out those chems and as much soil as possible or if vlm only you are "absorbing" them into bonnets, pads etc. There is a little more to it all as far as chemistry, drying, wicking etc after cleaning but hopefully this helps anyone trying to understand it all. Pauly C I'm sure you know all of this 😁 Another thing to consider, If someone only has a vlm setup they are going to say it's the "best" method. Likewise with HWE. Also if a salesman only has one or the other type of equipment to sell he's going to say it is the "best" equipment or if he has truck mount systems to sell obviously he will say it is the "only" and "best" way to go. Because it is his most expensive thing to sell you. Just like anything else honest and dishonest people are everywhere and in every industry. I have been in this business for 30 years and can say this for sure. If you want to "stand out" in the cleaning service industry simply BE HONEST to yourself and your customers. This simple truth will take you a looooooooong way 👍 Nice job as usual Paul. 😁 Sorry for the long comment, hope this helps.

  4. What I want to try is after vacuuming using a Nacecare TP4X, Karcher Puzzi 10/1 or other low pressure extractor as a first step instead of the usual separate pre-spray then mop with glad pads or microfiber towels. One could of course first pre-spray separately with an aggressive solution, brushed in with orbiter before rinsing with an encap solution with the Karcher then mopping with orbiter as a drying step with glad pads. Idea would be to keep equipment still highly portable and preserving expensive pads in heavily soiled homes. On many jobs the extractor would essentially replace the pre-spray step negating the need for separate spraying equipment. The Karcher obviously wouldn't be suitable for large areas because of too much refilling. Anyway, just an idea.

  5. I’ve always been wondering about soil absorption differences between the Vibe driver surface area vs others like the ECOs or rotarys. Those Glad pads sure look like they pick up well too.

  6. The whole reason I got into carpet cleaning in the first place was getting offered a job at a small carpet cleaning company in my area. They had me using my own car, a shark vacuum and a 17" rotary buffer to clean residential homes. The buffer only had an aggressive brush on the bottom and I'd leave all the chemicals (NOT encapsulation products) in the carpet before leaving. Whenever I had to go back to a house to address stains I'd notice how the carpet was absurdly stiff and crunchy and wonder how we were doing it like that every day.

    After 6 months I was out of there with my own equipment and doing 10x better jobs than I was before using the encapsulation method and I'll never look back!

    Even though I hated working there I'll always appreciate coming to the realization that if people were willing to pay for such bad quality, I could do it myself much better and keep the profits!

    Thanks Pauly C!

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