Deputy killed in hit-and-run crash on I-275; suspect at large



  1. Thank you traitors that continue your frauds concerning corrupt humanitarian plights, illegal immigration rights over the safety & well being of law abiding citizens that still suffer this sedition & treason.

    Averting criminal acts or protecting your fellow citizens caused by the seditious traitors is no crime. very very costly.
    The US families with maimed and killed family members don't want false sympathy from the traitors.
    I think there is going to be a state fund supported by the traitors "alone" till they are dead for the victims that suffered damage from them.

  2. Umm look at the cameras they r all around there. And you better hope you got a picture who's driving that one mother fucking car because if you don't got a visual who's in that driver's seat you ain't got no case my friend

  3. Several months ago, in Philadelphia I-95 highway, a drunk driver speeding hit and killed two state troopers and one man stray walking on I -95. The troopers were helping the man out of the danger of the highway. I like to express my respect and support to law enforcement officers.

  4. POLICE (People Traitors!) have NO LAWFUL DUTY to PROTECT our "CHILDREN" or "HUMAN LIFE": (Police are Income heroes for "State Profit"!)
    The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled in (Castlerock vs Gonzales): Police heroically serve and protect the chartered "States for Profit", not the honorable taxpayers!

    Qualified Immunity must be abolished (Removed) from the police. (Qualified immunity has destroyed more innocent lives than all wars combined!)

  5. Floridians and American Americans🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!!
    Our Prayers and condolences.
    I just don’t understand WHY these tragic incident happen!!
    How about safe drive to each other we all have place going!
    Two family life destroyed…
    Safety and stay calm while driving!!!
    God bless Us All.!!!


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