Gov. Ron DeSantis is targeting Disney’s government.



  1. Disney doesn't own Florida. It doesn't deserve special treatment. And it has zero ground to stand on in this fight. It is one business out of many in Florida. They stole all that land anyways. Remember when they replaced 90% of their workers with immigrant workers? Just a couple of years ago. We still remember.

  2. Orlando was a swamp land before Disney opened in 1971 and then all of the hotels and the tourism industry started they don’t need oversight from a far right extremist lunatic like Ron DeSantis trying to get credit from his base

  3. Sorry, but Disney has fallen from grace. Disney promotes Pedophiles , promotes drag queens that are better left to the nightclubs not in my child's face.

  4. it started with the tele tubbies and escalated to Big Bird
    then it was the M&M cartoon spokesmodels , then last week a Bud Lite Beer Can, and now today it is Mickeys Mouse

    is their anything make believe that conservatives cant be enraged about

  5. Disney is now the distraction from all the flooding in the state…
    Floridians losing home owners insurance and having to pay more in property taxes to make up the difference…
    where's the Governor?? oh he's in SC crying about how he is going to beat up Disney cause he cares so much about the children

  6. Im a ROOSTER 🐓
    Nothing against people in general. Don't care who you are …some things that should stay the Cluck out of school are….
    Swingers clubs, Sex clubs, Titty bars. Saloons, whorehouses, Adult Movie Productions, I smoke weed but am cool keeping that at home or the dispensary. I don't have to make a silly children's marijuana book that talks about Billy bringing funny brownies to his friends…
    THATS THE DIFFERENCE. Do your thing…but do t push it on others or our kids…
    I want to ask you all this????.
    We are okay with nudests on a nude beach or in there own private club, motorcyle club, CRIPS,BLOODS, MS13….look much love and respect for you and your right to gather….but dont try to use schools to force your $hit on kids….they wanna join you at 18 fine but dont read books about your private club at school dont push your agenda on our children pussies. If anyone has a right to go I to schools and correct history books it's the Native Americans & the African American genocide.

  7. Meatball Ron got MARRIED at Disney. Thats right, the folks saying adults going to the park without kids are creepy, just called Meatball Ron, creepy! lol

    And millions of adults comes to the park and ride the rides, what kind of shut-in doesnt understand that? Its a them park with top notch safe rides and shows!

  8. Troublemaker Ronny exposed that he is bullying Disney for political purposes when he remarked that perhaps a prison could go near the parks – talk about trying to ruin the jobs of hundreds of thousands in Orange County that are greatly involved from Disney tourism! Gestapo Ron is a disgrace to FL. And to the knuckleheads, dont like Disney, dont go!

  9. Whenever a politician says we’re gonna do what’s right, that should be concerning to all…most likely the opposite of doing the right thing happens. In my view this is ironic, a scandalous corporation vs a scandalous politician fighting, whatever your idea of either are, let us hope that both of these parties are held accountable to follow our laws and that finally,we the working tax payers of this country are the ones that hold them accountable.

  10. Politics is odd. The Far Left Dems seem to have made up a word with no definition or meaning that covers the way they are using it, Woke. A word they themselves no longer use. They then seem to have thrown the retired word with no meaning into the political, news arena and of course to fox. Reps, some News media and of course fox who like to create fear and division for their own advantages seem to have judged the retired word with no meaning as a holy hand grenade and have happily thrown themselves on the holy hand grenade and heroically claim they are the people’s saviors battling the retired word with no meaning. A Don Quixote of their own making?

    I find this very odd. I would have thought the smart move was to assess the retired word with no meaning and decide it is about as harmful as a fart in my general direction 😊 But no the political folks have created rules to ban books I hear the bible has got a mention. Be aware of what you sow for it might come back to bite you. Also Mickey is being attacked and currently looks like he is winning. These are not the only examples of the many many actions to save us from the retired word with no meaning. All of these actions are occurring so undeserving folks can claim their savior-hood. Just because Mickey dissed a governor how much money and misdirected effort will his state need to go through to allow him to gain his savior-hood and not look like a self-serving to0l? Not that he is the only one by a long shot. So which political party are the snowflakes caught up acting on the retired word with no meaning? Dems obviously 😉 at least according to some politicians, News media and of course fox. Maybe not

    I am sure if I spent a little time I could come up with examples where the Dems jumped on a non-existent hand grenade

    When handed a retired word with no meaning always be smart enough to let the nearest ding-a-ling dive on it. Refocus back to the bread and butter issues that impact your lives and scream for policies and progress that will make real generational change in your lives rather than the lives of politicians and their donors. Also remember everyone needs to win so society can win. That or prepare to be a free working slave

    When a retired word with no meaning occurs, there is really only one comeback for voters. Don’t be dissuaded by News media and of course fox 787BS and lies. Look for the facts from multiple sources. Challenge the sources and yourself, don’t get to comfortable with certainty and always always vote. When voting also remember voting for the same party your great great grandpa, great grandpa, grampa and dad without any thought or analysis only shows you don’t have enough intelligence to have an original political thought of your own. Very few of the current political parties stand for what they stood for when they were originally created. That or be prepared for way worse to come because those in charge are only focused on retired words with no meaning and or their own profits and expect you will be leaving a poorer works for your kids, grandkids …

  11. Ron will not win the general election as there are a lot LGBT in Florida and other states. GOP will not win in 2024 if all the elections are like 2022, see no red wave.

  12. For how many Floridians are in these comments bitching how bad their governor is and how bad Florida is, it’s awful telling that Florida isn’t seeing an extraordinary outflow of residents, but rather continues to grow. Funny that? That awesome economy that the governor helped see persevere throughout the epidemic and overall top value location for education, business, entertainment, sports, tourism, and safely raising families, that whole appealing mess of positives must be very hard to give up, eh? But, yeah, keep on bitching… Maryland, DC, New York, Illinois, California, Oregon, Washington have lovely communities full of people that would love to have ya as their neighbor. There’re no DeSantis types to be seen in these places, that’s for damn sure.

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