8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the latest.



  1. Why would a governor be able to fire or dismiss an elected official when the proper thing to do is to call for a recall for an impeachment otherwise it would suggest that a president could remove a governor which is not true.

  2. “First amendment rights” via the U.S. Constitution “did not” hold up in the Federal Supreme Courts concerning Roe vs Wade …. due to the fact the U.S. Constitution also has to preserve life as in its original writings… at the time is was written.

    Now, in 2022 & moving forward the US Supreme Court turned this decision down to each state to determine this topic based on their own state constitution.

    Bottom line, based on how the Original U.S. Constitution & Florida State Constitution as by law to protect & preserve life … then a person’s first amendment rights don’t out-trump the right of an unborn life.

    Each and every person needs to read / learn the U.S. Supreme Court & the U.S. Supreme Court has to legally protect & enforce the U.S. Constitution as well as each as Governor & State Supreme Courts has to legally protect & enforce their State Constitution.

    The best way to wrap our heads around this is:
    – amendments can be written / passed / added to the U.S. Constitution via the Federal Congress, but cannot counter-act “the original U.S. Constitution (which is written to protect life) … the same applies for each state Constitution.

    That lawyers’ first amendment rights “to the topic of abortion” doesn’t out-trump the Florida State Constitution.

  3. Trump Mini-me wannabe dictator DeSantis continues to show his fascist schemes to win over the violent racist MAGAs on his deranged path to win the 2024 presidential primary. Have to outdo all the other do-nothing GOP corrupt seditionist pathological liars waiting to join the field.

  4. Why is it we have a government if it's judges who seem to rule the states and country ? Seems today it's judges who rule who over all..makes no sense to me at all

  5. Will you support the law: Yes or No. Well (double talk, double talk, double talk). Prosecutors that will not do their job, should not have the job. Just like everyone else that refuses to do their job. They get fired. Warren got fired for refusing to do the job.

  6. First amendment right? That would be like a cop writing down on paper to all the other cops saying the he will only arrest black people for crimes. Then when he is fired saying " I wasn't really gonna do that it's just how I feel"

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