Voters in the city of Tampa can head to the poll starting Monday morning to cast an in-person ballot for several city council runoff elections.



  1. Pray we get some real Christian people in office… housing for ALL races & ages. who needs help.. plenty of new apartments have gone up in Tampa urban areas, & housing in many Tampa areas..I am on social security, work part time, but all the housing help is beyond 2-3 year waiting list for one bedroom..need MORE one bedrooms available… families needing more than one bedrooms are easier, so forget it, been trying for income based housing for years!
    I went thru cancer treatment in 2005, a young woman with children who worked with me (yes, she worked) was given Hud, immediately, while I had been on the waiting list for a year! Don't complain about people not knowing about housing! I had to go back fo work way too soon after cancer treatment…it was painful.
    I did not report or complain about the young mother because she had little children & she was working too, not living off the system, baby after baby!


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