In his 30-year career, WFLA’s Jeff Berardelli has never seen so many of Earth’s vital signs blinking red. Now, he’s sitting down to explain what’s going on. Jeff’s Climate Report:



  1. Jeff seems like a knowledgeable and likable guy, for sure.
    Not sure where he’s getting his data from. the union of concerned scientists and overall scientific consensus worldwide tells us the heat waves We are seeing now, the forest fires in boreal forest of Canada and Siberia, the hot oceans, the bleaching of coral reefs will all be getting worse very soon.

    If we have a massive jobs program, installing offshore wind and terawatts of Photovoltaic farms along with sensible resource use and intelligent birth control, we may be able to slowly turn this around over the next hundred years.

    We need to move really fast. Our house really is on fire and there is no planet B.

  2. Finally the news starts getting spread. 30-40 years too late but let's mitigate what we still can even if limiting global warming 1.5 C is definitely not possible any longer.
    Anyone seriously interested in this should read "I want a better catastrophe" by Andrew Boyd.

  3. Been working in yard and garden past week. Still no earthworms or grubs in 3 years now in entire county. Crops in town stop growing after only 2 nights warmer than the days and just warm nights slow production significantly. Also happened past 3 yrs.
    No one is saying anything it is not in any models or expectations but it is happening now.
    – Horticulturist in Rome Ga

  4. Animal agriculture does have significant environmental impacts: 1) Greenhouse gas emissions: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock production, particularly cattle, produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Additionally, clearing land for grazing or growing animal feed releases carbon dioxide, contributing to deforestation and climate change.2) Land and water use: Animal agriculture requires vast amounts of land and water. Raising livestock necessitates large areas for grazing or cultivating animal feed crops. This leads to deforestation, habitat loss, and soil degradation. Furthermore, animal agriculture consumes substantial amounts of water for animal hydration and crop irrigation.3) Water pollution: The concentration of livestock in factory farming operations generates significant amounts of waste. The runoff from these operations can pollute water bodies, contributing to water pollution and eutrophication. 4) Biodiversity loss: The expansion of animal agriculture encroaches on natural habitats, leading to the loss of biodiversity. Deforestation for grazing or feed crop cultivation reduces habitat availability for various plant and animal species, contributing to species extinction. 5) Antibiotic resistance: The routine use of antibiotics in animal agriculture to promote growth and prevent diseases contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This poses risks to human health as well. Ocean acidification is primarily caused by animal agriculture, and water pollution.

  5. I thought the world was (or at least in the northern hemisphere?) going through a “mini ice age” before industrialization . Not saying humans aren’t impacting as well
    Also ,I’m curious how much data there was collected pre-industry?

  6. Man made climate apocalypse coming soon! I'm retired now and I would love to hear guesses on how many times I have heard that in my life. This time the experts are probably correct. In the 1970s the consensus among "climate scientists" was that our pollution was accelerating the onset of the next glaciation and by 2020 people would be starving and freezing.
    My colleagues and I were not worried back then, we had just spent the last twenty years developing, installing and putting online the first generation of nuclear power plants, they already supplied a major portion of the electricity for the USA. Better yet the USA had developed our uranium production to over 40 million pounds of U3O8 per year and we have the fourth largest reserve on the planet. We knew the next generation of plants would be even safer and cleaner than the first and calculated the USA would be getting 50% of our electricity from nuclear power by 2000. By 2020 we would have 250-300 reactors providing most of our electricity from clean nuclear power.
    My colleagues and I were not worried back in the 1970s, we are very worried now.

  7. Same turus energy amplification effect where the energy comes out at the South pole due to loss of Earth's magnetic field strength. The Earth torus field is also why we see the Northern and the Southern Lights at the poles, and the weakening magnetic field is why we're seeing those Lights at lower latitudes lately.

  8. How is it possible that in a "science" talk that has a focus of abnormally high ocean temperatures, they don't talk about the blatently obvious fact that our (so far) current 25% to 30% reduction in Earth's magnetic field allows more solar and cosmic energy in, most of which gets absorbed by the oceans. It's also expected that the Northern oceans will initially be increasing faster due to the electromagnetic torrus field around the Earth entering at the North pole.

  9. STOP🔴
    Not at all true that we we affect the earth!!!!!! Don't buy into that. We are smaller than ants compared to the earth's size if wanna measure the damage we can cause. Humans don't even cover 1/4 of the earth's surface so HOW would we affect what the earth does???? Don't be fools. THINK. USE YOUR GOD GIVEN COMMON SENSE & LOGIC. The government wants to control us by blaming us. We each individually and as a whole ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT AFFECT THE EARTH!! FACT💥

  10. We humans are releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere via the burning of coal and oil. This lets sunshine into the atmosphere. But blocks it from leaving. This raises the temperature. We need to switch to solar and wind power. And plant more trees. Otherwise scientists claim we could have runaway climate change.

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