Equality Florida, an LGBTQ civil rights organization, issued a travel advisory Wednesday, warning of the risk of traveling or relocating to the state of Florida.



  1. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in the news. And she said it with such a straight face! Hahaha 🀣 Then they should issue more of an advisory on Christians too, Because the mass shooting that recently happened in Nashville Tennessee at a church where children and staff lost their lives, by an LGBT person isn't fair warning enough that this Gay agenda has gone too far giving this sexual preference group way too much focus and rights. I say, if you're a man and want to be with a man go do that sick shit in private, same goes for women with women go live your life but stop making it a big deal and infiltrating every freaking aspect of society to revolve around your sexual preference! Go live your life of sin. But stop thinking you're above every one and every law. This is getting out of control and it's the Democrats fault by giving laws and power to a group of people that want to be gay! Like what da heck ! It's outrageous the times we are living in! The president never acknowledged the mass shooting and made a joke about ice cream before briefly and swiftly mentioning about these Children and staff that died at the hands of a deranged lunatic LGBT person. So stop with these bull shit stories on the news. These people if they don't like Florida then leave who gives a shit where a gay person goes to vacation or live. If you're gonna talk about advisorys talk about the weather instead of making a whole stupid story up just because you all are governed by an elite group that tells you what narrative to follow instead of having some courage and report real news. Bunch of sheep πŸ‘

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