Home Tallahassee Florida Florida faces rising flu cases amid ongoing COVID

Florida faces rising flu cases amid ongoing COVID


It’s winter and that means flu season. While people are out socializing at holiday parties or shopping, medical officials are advising locals to be aware of their surroundings as their health could be affected.  

Flu hospitalizations are rising across the country, and Florida’s positivity rate for the flu has started to increase, according to the Florida Department of Health. 

But, during the week of Nov. 26-Dec. 2, the state also witnessed a minor decline in the number of people receiving flu diagnoses in emergency rooms. The flu data from the state indicates that it is still higher than the three-year average from before. 

The flu, also referred to as influenza, is a highly infectious respiratory infection caused by viruses that travel from person to person, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Common flu symptoms include fever, headaches, sore throats, coughing, and fatigue. 

According to data accumulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 7.4 million people in the United States have been infected with the flu this fall. There has also been an estimated 80,000 hospitalizations and 6,800 deaths nationwide from Oct. 1-Dec. 9.  

The CDC says the flu season normally peaks between December and February.

At the same time, COVID-19 also remains a threat. The virus has a new variant, JN.1, that is the fastest-growing strain in the country yet, and it accounts for more than one-fifth of all cases, according to the CDC.  

The CDC estimates about 20% of new COVID infections in the US are currently thought to be caused by the coronavirus subvariant JN.1. Currently, 92,586 deaths in Florida since 2020 are attributed to COVID. 

After the Florida Department of Health suddenly added almost 7,100 COVID-related deaths to its database, it seemed as though Florida was going to surpass 100,000 COVID deaths since 2020. However, the numbers were lowered Tuesday to match the previous numbers. 

Here’s what local health providers are advising as the holiday season gets underway: 

TMH doctor warns of increased flu and COVID risk with colder weather  

Dr. Fitz Blake, an emergency medicine physician at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, says there is always an increase in patients having the flu this time of year.  

“Close contact and frequent coughing and sneezing that comes with colder weather causes people to more easily spread their germs,” Blake said in an email to the Tallahassee Democrat. “So yes, there is an increase in patients who visit the emergency department with flu-like symptoms, but this is also typical for the winter months.” 

According to Blake, children are more susceptible to severe symptoms, due to their small airways, when they contract a viral illness like the flu or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which can cause cold-like symptoms. 

Blake says COVID numbers and severity of the illness are both down “tremendously” compared to the height of the pandemic in 2020.  

“As COVID is a virus and there is an increased propensity for transmission of respiratory viruses during cooler months, there has been a very minimal increase in the number of patients found to be COVID-positive in our emergency departments,” Blake said. 

He added the “vast majority of these patients are not critically ill and do not need to be admitted to the hospital.” 

Blake offered tips on how residents can best prepare themselves for flu season, and other respiratory illnesses: Reinstating handwashing techniques, getting vaccinated, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet.  

“Staying updated on COVID-19 and flu-related information and guidelines from reputable sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or your local health department, will keep you in the know,” Blake said. 

Care Point Health reports uptick in flu cases, minimal COVID cases 

Alexis Johnson, office manager at Care Point Health & Wellness in Tallahassee, says the center has seen an increase in patients coming in with flu-like symptoms, but only a few patients with confirmed COVID. 

“I haven’t seen many positive cases in our practice, just more so flu and strep throat,” Johnson told the Tallahassee Democrat. 

Johnson echoes Blake by stating the standard advice for flu prevention. 

“People should definitely follow safety protocols,” Johnson said. “Wearing a mask, washing their hands, and getting the flu vaccine, if they can, could help prepare them for flu season.” 

For more information visit the Florida Heath Department or the CDC website

Democrat Writer Mikiyah Everett can be reached 

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