A Florida House subcommittee has advanced a bill that would bring major reforms to higher education at the state’s dozen public universities.



  1. Damn I thought Mississippi was bad. Florida has dropped bellow them 😂😂.. These kids won't be able to function outside of Florida..They will have a generation of fools that will get embarrassed in the real world

  2. I learned this stuff direct from experience. Sometimes what had happened was is I got a cousin with the same name as me, and sometimes the bank be putting his stuff on my credit, and that be messing it up. just joking. But what if you have siblings, are the siblings all equal? within in your house do you try to divide stuff equitably between siblings even if one is disabled? You can extend that concept to race. Not everyone in a race is equal just like not everyone in a family is equal. Your theory needs to be a general theory and not a segregation theory pretending to be something else.

  3. That's not a reform. That's a civil rights violation. It's ridiculous and so backwards. Why not just replace the state flag with the Confederate flag already because that's what it's becoming again. Florida talks a big game about freedom then does things to restrict freedom because it makes their snowflakes upset and insecure about their manhood because let's face it, most women have much more level heads.

  4. They are free to attend a private university or go out of state to a leftist state like New York or California and hopefully they will stay there in their socialist peoples paradise once the graduate.

  5. And naturally they try to pass this through during spring break. This is censorship and it is by default Anti-American. If we wanted to be told what to think and what to do, why didn't the little Pilgrims stay in England?


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