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  1. Wow, Florida isn’t a state I would raise my children in. Especially knowing the state is sinking anyways. If they don’t take climate change seriously then going to that class won’t matter in the very near future.

  2. Like I stated things. I don’t view the crying worthless ones that vote for terrorists as Americans let alone human. I guess boobtube will eventually get all the grammar teachers on here your trophies for being good little things. Hope you can read between the things lines or maybe boobtube will patch in a picture drawing section for those that don’t understand sarcasm and facts! Maybe slide shows will help the ignorant ones!!!!!!🇺🇸👈🤔😱

  3. when i was in highschool i had a black teacher for my history class basically full on say to me and my friends faces who where white that we the white race are terrible and are to blame for slavery and racism and now im glad desantis is actually stopping it, because if my teacher over 7 years ago would dare treat me like that only god knoes how this new type generation of teacher will ridicule and balme and shame my kids and any other white kids like its my faukt or any of my kids fault for the past bullshit that happened to black afican americans, i never want to see teachers blame white kids who likely are not racist nor had anything to do with the slavery of blacks in the day so thats why im happy to see this shit not be in our schools tired of this blame the white race for everything even generations who didnt have a single dam thing to do with the unjustice of blacks, and thats just my thought on it, i got 4 years of balme for shit my family had no part of and for what i shouldnt feel bad about whites enslaving blacks i had nothing to do with it but yet here we are just another class to teach how whites were so horrible savage animals who enslaved people and thats sad, move on and grow up and get successful stop crying about how whites are to blame, or maybe its just thats all they can do. Much love America

  4. These people will silently enforce they’re agenda without even telling that they just hate black people lol. Talk about banning woke when you’re trying to erase history that’s been in this country since its creation. Erase, ban it all you want. It won’t work 😂😂

  5. I'm so confused. I don't understand why African Americans fought so hard to end segregation but then they CHOOSE to segregate themselves from the whole of society by having additional courses to teach their side of history. That's like B.E.T. blacks are fine with African Americans having a black entertainment network but if a white person had W.E.T. a white entertainment network then that would be racist and you'd never hear the end of it. It's like they wasted all those years fighting to prove they are equal to everyone else and need to be included with everyone else only to come along and show why they are so different from everyone else and should NOT be included with everyone else and why they need a different course for their history. I understand their history was horrific but how long will they keep looking back and not moving forward? What about the Native Americans shouldn't they also have a special course? And what about the Jews? They need a special course. Why can't we just be humans? How can society as a whole move forward if we are always looking back? How can we heal as a nation if we can't come together?

  6. Desantis and his party are the true snowflakes who are into "cancel culture" , they want to live in their Fictitious version of Americs where the USA is some perfect, shining city on a hill that has done nothing wrong and is number 1 in everything 🤷‍♂️

  7. God, forbid white children learn about history outside of their own and God forbid black students have a proper history class that won’t whitewash or sugarcoat the truly horrific atrocities committed against black children in American society it needs to be taught, you ever stop and ask yourself why Ron Desantis is so afraid of black history being properly addressed?

  8. Because you voted in a governor that doesn’t wanna teach and doesn’t want to talk about anybody other than white people straight white evangelical crazy people. He also is turning the new College into a conservative college what the F Florida?

  9. He said it…. The pseudo-educator: high school (AP) is “more than LEARNING content, but becoming CREATORS OF NEW KNOWLEDGE”. I.e. go to school to invent and create your own reality (which used to be considered delusion), rather than going to school to obtain an elementary education and then to master and specialize in a particular field. 🤯🤯🤯

  10. Africans were the ones that were selling slaves by the thousands and getting rich but the black Africans here always blame and point the finger at the whites. Blacks are the most racist of all. Now even the Dominicans, Jamaicans, Haitians are joining in to scam a slave check that is being proposed in some states. And who's going to pay that? Taxpayers. More welfare scam, tax dollars being abused by them.

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