8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the story.



  1. JUST FYI. I spoke with a staff member at a few lawmakers offices in my district. I asked if I could set up a meeting about discussing a proposed bill to help consumers on auto insurance in the state. All of them asked me what I wanted and I told them and they all shot me down. ALL THE LAWMAKERS want to cut coverage, like PIP, hoping the insurance companies will lower premiums. What will really happen is Floridians will have less of a very important coverage and still pay out the nose. I PROPOSTED TO THEM OVER THE PHONE they need a bill that requires all auto insurance carriers in the state to have one price, set by the state, for FL state minimum coverage, with 10/20 bod and uninsured/underinsured, and that price is tied to that state poverty level. Therefore, everyone will be able to afford insurance and everyone will be insured, bring rates down. If consumers want more coverage, they pay more, Secondly in the bill, I proposed that medical billing, when it comes to auto insurance, will need to be approved by the state and have set pricing, and required to be approved by the state, just like insurance premiums. That is so hospitals and doctors can't just charge what they want, in regards to an auto insurance claim. That will also bring premiums down. NOPE!!! No one wanted to talk to me further. No one cared.

  2. Insurance in Florida is expensive due to PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage, which is mandatory. This means you must file a claim under your own insurance for any medical injuries from an accident, regardless of fault.

  3. Between Floods, Hurricanes and soooo many Cars being stolened or Car jacked, imparied Drivers causing deadly Accidents Who didn't see that One coming? We ALL pay for the bad behavior of others.

  4. That’s why you see more people in Florida riding around in mopeds now. Car insurance is basically highway robbery down here, especially in SoFlo. Get ready to pay like 800 a month for liability coverage on a ‘94 Corolla. But y’all wanna keep moving down here, am I right? 😉

  5. Just one more reason NOT to live in Florida, your governor being the primary one! Perhaps he could be doing something about your insurance rates rather than focusing on his anti-woke BS! Just a thought.

  6. Put FICO out of business!! Put insurance companies out of business who poke around in customer’s credit reports!! The biggest bunch of bullshit ever! Bring back the Glass/Stegal Act!!

  7. It’s due to car thief, rise in auto collisions, and many drivers being uninsured. New cars have a lot of sensors and replacements are expensive. Plus, inflation and the economy.

    Make Biden Great Again……

    By getting him out of the office. Thanks a lot Obama.

  8. Insurance companies are ripping people off… You want to know why because grand theft auto has gone up 10 fold.. You want to know why because we don't uphold the laws of our land and we defund the police blah blah blah…

  9. Insurance needs a change. If i dont claim anything within a year on insurance ie; car accident. It should lapse over to the next year and i shouldnt be charged unless i file a claim.

  10. Our Florida politicians are to busy fighting M&M's , Disney ,to worry about helping the people of Florida fight outrageous increases of everyday Bill's!!!

  11. Our car insurance rose $400 a month. It went from $4,000 to $7,000 for six months. We have USAA as well. We called and got It reduced to a $200 increase by looking for more ways to save. When we asked them why?, they talked about Florida being a high lawsuit state and a ton of insured drivers on our roads. We pay$1100 a month in car insurance starting in April. I do have younger drivers. But what is so so funny is my 17 year old is wanting to get his drivers liscense as well and wants to know when can he start. 😢

  12. I got in the trap of change your insurance to save money. At first I saved alot but they use an incremental system of increases usually rather than a huge jump in prices all at once. A couple years later you are like, WTF???

  13. In the UK our insurance has gone up a lot because of foreign gangs running insurance scams where they drive in pairs deliberately getting an unsuspecting victim to crash in to one them, then claim injuries and damage to vehicles.

  14. With all of the people working from home now one would think that they would be driving less and having fewer accidents because they no longer have a daily commute on their work days. The biggest problem seems to be with the supply chain and getting parts to repair cars after accidents.

  15. I have to pay $450/mo for my 2009 ranger, just liability, and full coverage a 2016 nissan. I have zero DUIs and zero points. I moved out here from CA last year, and my ins for both was $1,200/ YEAR, with higher collision ins on my truck. Florida ins IS A SCAM.

  16. I'm 42 still have high insurance friends of mine drive 80k trucks and wives drive BMW all newer pay the same for full coverage as I do for liability i have a 20 plus year old vehicle I have no tickets in probably 18 years or longer its nuts. I'll do what my cousin does has had Virginia tags they don't require proof of insurance she hasn't had insurance probably since 1999 or 2000

  17. When will Floridians realize what a line of bullshit they've been sold when the legislature slashed their ability to sue the insurance company when it refuses to pay, and decreased benefits under PIP. Now they've done the same with homeowners coverage, also pretending this will eventually lower rates.
    When, also, will they realize that laws forbidding drag shows or keeping Huckleberry Finn off school shelves aren't doing a goddamn thing to keep them in their homes.

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