Gov. DeSantis to ‘expedite’ pace of food assistance benefits program in Florida



  1. People need to learn to plan meals, watch youtube, and do freezer meals and learn how to cook for less money, usually everyone buys things they do not need, with a meal planner, they teach themselves to use till the last drop.
    And when you buy, buy things you know last a long time on shelves. That was the secret to them giving you so much, so that you can catch up, and as you use replace it. long shelve life will be can goods, powder milk, cereals etc……. you guys need to watch youtube.

  2. fake news ho
    your pimp is soros

    if someone's child is going to bed hungry that's the failure of the parent not the state

    quit tryna get big brother to save you

    if you want that you need to move to California


  3. The KEY WORD IS ……..SUPPLIMENTAL………. It’s not meant to supply all ur food needs. It’s to supplement the difference between what u bring in and what it takes to not starve to death!
    Allegedly it’s because the people don’t do what they are supposed to do in a timely manner.

  4. The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

    P. J. O'Rourke

  5. Not the governments responsible to feed you. Plus did anyone notice the size of the "mom" putting her kid to bed hungry?
    This the best the fake news can come up with to belittle Ron?….like really!

  6. With desantis and trump the dump this state will forever be just completely screwed their ignorance is just beyond sickening they only care about the rich and say what they need to say to get more votes for them and I pray to God that neither of them get back into office once they're time is up trump has ruined this country and desantis has ruined this state and as long as he's here things will continue to go downhill


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