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  1. Over come? So after slavery everything was just great for the negroes? But you idiots are forgetting 100 years of jim crow laws, 100 years of lynching, convict leasing systems. Unequal health care, unequal housing, unequal criminal justice system, red lining, black codes, medical apartied, slavery lasted almost 400 years.

  2. There was absolutley no benefit to slavery. These people were kidnapped and chained many didnt survive the ride. families seperated and women rapped. It is insulting for anyone think there was a benefit to this. The more Ron stupidly continues to talk about this, teh more his campagn fails. He needs to shut up and let it die. But I think he is on a race to the bottom

  3. Like she said, we not debating with a white supremacist about the so called benefits of slavery to the enslaved! Him and anyone who thinks like him does NOT know history.This has been tried before when they acted like Africans needed to be saved by the white man instead of the evil and laziness of Chattel Slavery! Like hey, I may beat you, rape you, seperate your family, and make you breastfeed my children but lets call it even, you learned to be a blacksmith and pick cotton! Give me a effing break! They act like the end of slavery was the end, IT WAS NOT, they then went on to discriminate by LAW and burned down thriving communites all the way to 1964, less than 60 years ago! My parents are 70, meaning my parents did not even grow up with full rights! So no, there were ZERO BENEFITS to the enslaved, but it did benefot the country!

  4. Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism ( long after the American Civil War ) . After 1865 the now " free " former Black slaves in the South were welcomed with open arms into the organized system of WAGE slavery up North. For more than 150 years the world social movement preached against the evils of CAPITALIST exploitation and oppression. Yet even Karl Marx wrote about the " progressive " side of WAGE slavery . It did free peasants from feudal " slavery ". It did develop the productive forces of human civilization. That there may lurk GOOD in EVIL is an old dialectical idea: the " unity of opposites " .
    My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ".

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