The day’s major news events, business reports, local sports updates, weather information and tomorrow’s forecast are presented by the News Channel 8 Team.



  1. I don't think I will ever forget this story. I remember when it happened and being so furious they just buried that man not knowing if he were alive or not. I kept imagining what if he had survived, was thanking God, praying he would be rescued, maybe seeing or hearing the commotion above and then watching in horror as the dirt started filling in and realizing he was being given up on. JUST AWFUL. Sorry, I don't care what anyone says. Way more should have and could have (IMO) been done for him. I think it's horrifying because we all already know what would happen to us or our families if we should ever find ourselves in this situation.

  2. the gop has single handedly run FL for decades and have known this is happening but couldnt find time to address it bc theyre stroking their egos and lining their pockets. jfc FL vote blue to end your gop reign of terror. theyre for rich people and corps. – not you.

  3. Will admit, this is one of my greatest fears. I've had many nightmares of the earth opening up and swallowing me or my family. Always wake up screaming or crying. Unpredictable. Horrifying. 😢

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