The Human Rights Campaign has declared a state of emergency for the LGBTQ+ Community. This comes after what the organization calls ‘anti-LGBTQ’ laws were signed off by Governor Ron DeSantis.



  1. Imposition of values creates hostility. Most people don’t agree with the alphabet sex group’s lifestyle, behaviors, or deviant sexualizing of children. Never will stop force feeding your mental illness as normal to people that don’t want it. Ever.

  2. lgbt has no rights to use compulsory government public education programs on little children and coerce their homosexual grooming and indoctrination on our children. lgbt are pervs and too liberated from morals

  3. Just get your crap out of everyone's face you don't deserve any more special treatment than anyone else.

    Just live your life like everyone else leave the kids out of it do what you want when you're eighteen.

    I grew up with a lot of girls that were tomboys. I feel sorry for those girls now, today their parents would be somewhere injecting them with male hormones cutting their boobs off and trying to fashion some sort of a penis that won't work.

    Do what you want once you're 18 but leave the kids out of it.

  4. Respect goes both ways. If you want respect, you must respect others rights. We have had enough here. I guess new businesses and restaurants should make a bathroom for those who believe that they are something or someone else. I would not be comfortable if a person that obviously looks like a man, going into a women's bathroom. The left is pushing all this to cause distress, and discord among us. I guess that it's not enough to try to separate by race. Enough. Live your life, but allow others to live as well. Respect goes both ways

  5. I’m gay and society had gotten to the point of accepting GAY folks as they are. This whole ‘T’ movement has dragged gay folks into their mess, their m3ntal illness, etc. Gay folks are totally separate from these ‘T’ people. Thanks to these ‘T’ people, they have set back gay progresses at least 30+ years.

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