The small, tight-knit neighborhood in Crystal River sits right on the water. Driving through the tree-lined streets, it’s easy to see why someone would move here. But Ozello was one of the first areas to see Hurricane Idalia’s powerful storm surge sweep through homes.



  1. Another day, another excuse in Florida to take billions of dollars from yhe federal government. I heard your governor is instituting a HURRICANE TAX hilarious, you're not allowed to discuss climate change but you need a new tax to help pay for all the hurricane damage. Have fun rebuilding again, i hear a really big hurricane is heading to the east Coast right now

  2. Will war ever end?

    The Bible gives us a hopeful perspective on the prospect of war ending. In Isaiah 2:4 (NWT), it is prophesied: "He will render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore."

    This prophecy foretells a time when God's intervention will bring about true peace among the nations. The establishment of God's Kingdom, as mentioned in Daniel 2:44, will mark the end of human rule and the beginning of a new era characterized by lasting peace, justice, and harmony. While war and conflict have been a tragic reality throughout human history, the Bible assures us that there will come a time when warfare will cease, and people will no longer learn the ways of war.

    The book of Revelation also provides insight into the ultimate victory of God's Kingdom over the forces of evil, symbolized as the war in heaven between God and Satan. This victory will culminate in a complete elimination of war and violence, bringing [everlasting peace] to the earth.

    In conclusion, while war has been a persistent challenge throughout history, the Bible offers the promise of a future where war will come to an end through God's intervention and the establishment of His Kingdom on Earth as indicated in the Lord's prayer: β€œLet your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” πŸŒŽπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

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