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LG’s new vacuum with steam cleaning joins all-in-one wireless vacuum line-up in Singapore


LG’s new vacuum with steam cleaning joins all-in-one line-up in Singapore

First announced at CES 2023, LG’s new line-up of cordless vacuum cleaners has finally made its way to Singapore in two distinct models: the A9T-Steam and A9T-Auto. Both cleaners are part of the Korean electronics company’s space-efficient “All-in-One Tower” line-up that packs a punch in features.

The A9T-Steam is the star of the new line-up, as it’s the first LG vacuum cleaner to also feature a steam mop.

When enabled, the steam-heated mop pads are fired up to approximately 60 degrees Celsius, which can be useful in removing tough stains and dirt that traditional wet mopping may find challenging.

An automatic water supply system keeps the mop pads consistently moist during mopping, and dual sensors prevent the steam generator from overheating.

If you’re short on time, you can even choose to vacuum and mop simultaneously, reducing the total time spent on cleaning.

The A9T-Steam also comes with LG’s newly designed and confusingly-named “Wide and Slim LED nozzle”. How can something be wide and slim?

Turns out the “slim” part refers to only its height – the nozzle has its height lowered by around 0.85cm while its width is increased by around 5cm, which may help you reach under and across more areas while cleaning, with the LED lights illuminating the way.

The A9T-Auto is the more entry-level sibling here. Unlike the A9T Steam, it has neither steam mopping functionality nor the “Wide and Slim” nozzle.

The only unique addition to the A9T-Auto is the Power Drive Nozzle, which LG claims to be specifically designed for hard floors. 

The two new addition completes the line-up that began with the previously announced A9T-Ultra, which packs in everything both new entrants have to offer, with the exception of steam mopping.

This is an important caveat, because if you specifically want steam mopping, you’re limited only to the A9T-Steam.

The A9T-Ultra only has wet mopping, which is just the regular affair of ‘dragging a wet piece of cloth’ (or in the A9T-Ultra’s case: a wet mopping nozzle) over the floor. 

This also means that steam mop-loving aficionados will miss out on other A9T-Ultra features. Here is a quick comparison of the key tool differences among the three cleaners: 

On the upside, all three devices feature LG’s latest innovations in home cleaning, such as a 220W Smart Inverter Motor for impressive suction power, and the LG Kompressor technology, which compresses the hair and dust accumulated in the bin by as much as 2.4 times, so you can keep cleaning without having to empty it as often.

When the vacuum’s bin is truly full, the All-in-One Tower handles the rest, automatically emptying it into a compartment in the Tower itself and triple filtering the air so no dust gets back out into your home.

All three cleaners are available now at the following recommended retail prices:

Clearly, you’ll have to pay a little more for the privilege of steam cleaning, which clocks in as the most expensive unit despite the omission of several features found only in the A9T-Ultra.

Looks like buyers will have a tough decision to make.



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