A Florida law placing restrictions on live performances has been put on hold. The Protection of Children Act, which some say targets the LGBTQ community, was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge.



  1. If the Protection of Children Act actually sought to protect children, it mght be different, however one read of that bill and it becomes ridiculously obvious that the authors of that bill just don't like the LGTBQ community, and are trying to get brownie points from other bigots. If Drag Queens and Trans Women (because they are not targeting Trans men at all) were messing with children there would be a mandatory minimum of 25 years for anyone found to be mesing with minors, not just those under 12, not if just a sexual actu, but because the majority, (if not all because I still haven't seen any drag queens, ) are teachers, police, firefighters, priests, doctors, lawyers, pastors, uncles, aunts, dads, moms, babysitters, cousins, the neighbor, coaches, politicians (and supporters like Kent Stermon) pretty much everyone but a drag queen… laws like this try to come into play, because not only does it seek to discriminate, it provides cover for the actual child groomers and offenders by saying Look over there, don't worry about what's actually going on over here.

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