Tampa Bay area residents react to SCOTUS striking down student loan forgiveness



  1. The cycle of government backed student loans- which took place during Obama admin led to this problem. Banks threw caution to the wind- loaning amounts that wasn’t supported by the area of study- in most cases. Banks handing out cash like candy also led to massive escalation in tuition. A cycle of disaster akin to the Clinton caused mortgage crisis. Here we are. Degrees handed out with little chance of employment commensurate to cost of education. Privatize student loans if you want this to change for future students

  2. This is bullshi+…… I joined the Army to get my college! These young ppl make me sick! You signed a contract. This Veteran should not have to pay for your bad dissensions!!!!!!!!!

  3. only the folks who failed to understand this BS was said in order to gain "votes" are the ones crying – its already a "government-backed loan" aka Taxpayers loaned them the money & the taxpayers expect to be repaid – perhaps the "media" should check the true facts when it comes to the number of students who drop out & or are hired where they actually need/use their degrees…

  4. If student loans aren't going to be forgiven…then let's work on the whole "market rent" scam and the outrageous cost of living. And then let's figure out why in the world a general cowge education cost an upwards of 40,000 a year at many colleges across the country. ALL a out greed and keeping the poor people indebted to this country. Disgusting to say that very least.

  5. Bankruptcy law prevents economic enslavement and protects those rights which we, the people, hold as self-evident, inalienable, God-Given rights: The right to be left alone, to pursue happiness, and to enjoy the fruits of one's own labor. Bankruptcy law is Federal Law and cases are administered in Federal Courts.

    Guess which debt cannot be cured with bankruptcy? Are students slaves? Imagine students not using the 2nd amendment to free themselves.

  6. I like the idea of some sort student loan relief, excluding convicted felons.

    However, why is the President, the leader of the executive branch, even allowed to take active measures to change student loan policy?

    That's not his job!

    I don't believe that he should have any authority over such a policy.

    He can speak up about it, sure that's fine, but Presidents should not be issuing orders over issues that he's not supposed to have powers over.

    Congress should have been spending money to help Americans, instead of waging war in Ukraine!

  7. Suck it up buttercup. That's life. You got the education, teachers took their time to teach you, electric, water and sewer bills were paid, building materials, ground keeping and maintenance was used. YOU owe it. YOU signed up for it. YOU agreed to it.

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