8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi reports at 5PM.



  1. Florida New College pumping out useless degrees and preparing the graduates with a firm foundation for assistant manager at Starbucks and unemployable artists living a free life in a van down by the river.

  2. It’s ranked 5 in PUBLIC liberal arts colleges, of which there are only around 26. It’s ranked in the mid 70s among ALL liberal arts colleges. Hillsdale, which they want to emulate, is ranked 48 among all liberal arts colleges, and is flourishing instead of having the types of problems NCF has.

  3. Fascist censorship taking place in Florida. Reich wingers always claim they are the victims of censorship and that everybody else is "woke" and cancels everyone else. But nobody practices this Hitlerian Nazism more than they do. Biggest liars and swastika worshipers anywhere.

  4. God bless the State of Florida and their amazing governor. Whenever you see a group of green haired, pan sexual liberal arts majors demonstrating in the streets… you know something good, decent, sane and prosperous has just happened.

  5. Aaaw they won’t be able to brainwash kids and actual teach facts. They will be teaching blk history. Cause to everyone one but democrats. It’s America history. Stop seeing race and color in everything. And trying to tell half the story all the time. DeSatnas already said it a bunch of times blk history is America history

  6. What is happening in the US?

    Almost no one in Europe understands the division of your society driven by the populist, first-line conservative, evangelical and patriarchal forces.
    And this without a view beyond the end of your nose, which is denied to you by the omnipresent media, which is paid for by an absolute minority of opinion makers.
    The arrogance of these forces is disgusting and will be your undoing, for they are out of touch and, above all, uninterested in the thinking and well-being of the people of your country and the rest of the world. Aren't they ashamed of themselves?
    Where is the free man, the sovereign state, the common good, the (Christian) concern for fellow human beings? Everything is subjugated to profit, power and the ego of a few people who instigate wars, destabilise, discriminate, …
    We in Europe have already experienced this! Finally wake up and do something against this cancer that is making our homeland, the earth, uninhabitable….
    The students of this college, who want to resist exactly this, should be an example to you!

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