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  1. This is hilarious

    This ruling requires you to make your gun more concealable

    Why saying that sbrs are dangerous because they are concealable

    All the prace does is help the disabled balance the weapon
    And increase accuracy

    If the left wanted to save lives you would think they would want accurate weapons

  2. Why would people comply with this when other "rules" created by the ATF are now overturned just a year later like the bump stock ban or the frames and receivers bullshit. We can still buy 80% kits and bump stocks. LMAO The ATF has ZERO credibility and they will always lose in court because everything they do is unconstitutional on purpose.

  3. They don't convert them into rifles. They make pistols easier to shoot with one hand. A Short Barreled Rifle (SBR) is not more dangerous than a Full-length Barrel Rifle (FBR). The bullet actually moves slower in SBRs than FBR. It also makes some bullet weights unstable and not as effective. Plus, you can still shoulder a pistol and fire it just like any other rifle with or without a brace. This isn't news, it's propaganda.

  4. Ugh. "Brady United"… united for what, oh, right, it's called Brady United Against Gun Violence, formerly Handgun Control, Inc. @WFLA should interview GOA (Gun Owners of America) to get the perspective of those affected by these rules — gun owners — not an anti-gun advocacy group.

  5. This is ignorant bullcrap! 😑
    Saying a pistol is a rifle because it has an attachment for handicapped persons is like saying a male can menstruate as long as he thinks he's a female! 🀣🀣🀣

  6. Almost nothing you reported was based in <Science> and was at best, Misleading Political Anti-gun Activist driven regulation.
    The So-called Brace(that you showed) is an adjustable Butt stock Making the Rifle safe for a variety of Users with different arm lengths. Other<Pistol Braces> Assist the Handicapped in keeping the Firearm stable thus reducing the chance of hitting an unintended target.
    Most of these Gun Regulations, as Proven by the Directors testimony in Congress, are written by people with little knowledge of firearms and a desire to have all firearms removed from civilian hands.(unconstitutionally)

  7. Stabilizing braces were designed to assist some persons with certain handicaps to utilize certain firearms. I am surprised that The ban has not been challenged as being discriminatory against certain handicapped individuals.

  8. Pistol braces are used to more easily conceal dangerous weapons?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That makes no sense. These people know(sp) nothing about firearms!!
    Shall not comply!!!

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