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  1. Now they need bathrooms based on age too✌🏾

    A bathroom for biological mothers and their children under the age of 10. I know some malls have family restrooms or breastfeeding rooms that you have to press a buzzer to get access for entry. The ones in Canada have cameras staring at the doors and it's usually next to a security office or cleaning staff entry way.
    It's never close to a men's bathroom.

  2. What's baffling to me is that these people seem to imply that they actually think a sign on the door is where a predator draws the line. That a predator will actually be warded off by the gender sign on the door if their prey went inside? I know these people are not that naïve. They can't be that naïve. Why would a rapist need to pose as a woman to somehow bypass the magical ward of the sign on the door? On the other hand, why should a transwoman who maybe doesn't quite pass (or worse, actually DOES pass) have to use the men's room where assault is a far, far, faaaaaar higher risk (against the transwoman, particularly)? That's where I get off calling "bathroom bills" persecution. It's got nothing to do with protecting anyone or anything except the Republicans' votes. Their intentions, being demonstrably fallacious, aren't even in the right place.

  3. Good? I don't want anything with male parts in bathrooms with women, much less little girls, why are we worried about hurting someone's feelings more than we are about protecting women?

  4. What are intersex people supposed to do? I'm NOT talking about transgender people; they are different. "Intersex" refers to disorders of sexual development (DSD), such as Turner syndrome (people born with only one X chromosome), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), androgen insensitivity disorder, hypospadias, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), etc.

  5. Florida is well on its way to be the dream Fascist state of the politicians. They start with targeting the most marginalized society and spreads like cancer.

  6. I am curious how this might spark cis gendered individuals being accosted in the restroom for suspicion of being a trans. I watched a viral video of a women being told to get out of the bathroom and was harassed because a bigot thought she was a trans person 🥴.

  7. Slight problem with this for anyone who says it's a good thing and will keep "women safe" it's all great until Karen sees a woman with hair shorter than her (other woman's clavicle) and not wearing a dress or something and phones the police on her (other woman) for "being a man"
    Or someone just straight up saying someone is trans in a bathroom because they don't like them

  8. If protecting safety was the real reason behind this then there would be a law preventing ALL sexual predators and sex offenders from using the shared public restroom. It’s okay to have a sexual predator that preys on boys in the bathroom but heaven forbid a transgender person enters? Doesn’t make sense.

  9. It’s neither hate nor bigotry that makes me want my daughter and mother to have the assurance that they can use the facilities without a man present. It’s just common sense. Men that dress like women have everything they need in the men’s room. Come on in… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen women in the men’s room and men just don’t care. Here’s another thought… dress appropriately. When you go to work there’s one dress code. When you go to the gym you dress another way. Nobody likes putting on a tie to go to a wedding or a funeral but it’s appropriate. When you’re going somewhere that you know you’re going to be using public facilities maybe don’t go in costume. Should this really need to be so difficult…

  10. "prisons, spas, exercise facilities, dressing rooms, patient rooms, in essence all place wherever a person had the expectation of privacy."

    Especially these – has a nicer beard/moustache than you do, lifts more, but is forced to use womens facilities because they are a transman. Giga chad.

    Now you have a law that forces this guy to use all the female facilities. All of them. What is your take?

  11. Thank God some leaders still believe in truth. A woman is a woman by DNA not personal choice and it's wrong to make the rest of us uncomfortable and in danger from predators acting trans. It's not ok and people need to wake up.

  12. It is about time laws protect the rights of people that are not apart of the “alphabet community”. It has nothing to targeting people unfairly it is about safety and protecting the rights of the those who do not want to participate in another person’s fantasy/disillusion. The same law shields be applicable to all facets of life……prisons, spas, exercise facilities, dressing rooms, patient rooms, in essence all place wherever a person had the expectation of privacy.

  13. Just More Big Government in Fl. Whats he gonna take away next?! President Trump supports American Freedom . He 's gonna Crush ron meatball😅 & the million rules of meatball land, like a bad sandwich. I Can't wait to 💫vote 💯Trump. #47 👍👍

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