“I could’ve went golfing with my friends today, but the kids need to know hey, my dad’s here for me and here to do things with me,” said Brian Adey as he kicked field goals with his children.



  1. Go Dad's go!!!!! This is awesome. And the man who said that Dad's spending time with their kids help them do better in school I couldn't agree more. I would say help them do better and achieve more in EVERY area of their lives. With that kind of support and I'm not talking MONEY men I'm talking time and attention. Your kids will THRIVE. They will eat it up and they will go all out just to please Dad. The man who said he could of went golfing with his friends but CHOSE to do this instead? God bless you a BILLION times over. You have no idea what this small act of love means to your kids. They may NEVER tell you. But trust me. It will pay back dividends you never dreamed of. I applaud ANY man who CHOOSES to spend time with their children and don't forget spending quality time with the MRS. The one who has made you to be the proud Father you are and SHOULD be!!! Flowers men for your wives. On a just because day. A little appreciation goes A LONG LONG LONG way.

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